Tuesday, November 23, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - November 23rd


Mayor Cook and Councillors’ T. Barr, N. Hébert, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias


Councillor Geoff Bourdon

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of November 9th WL Council meeting approved


1) Sikh Community Prayer led by Gian Sandhu & First Nations Prayer led by Millie Emile
2) Erin Hitchcock (Editor – Williams Lake Tribune) introduced Council to new Tribune reporter Robyn Chambers


1) Council received for information a report from the City’s ICSP Coordinator on her and Mayor Cook’s trip to Saskatoon for the Ahead of the Curve: Tapping Into the Prairies' Rich Leadership History Conference held in October

2) Council adopted Bylaw #2127, 2010 (Williams Lake Security Alarm Systems / False Alarm Bylaw)

3) Council adopted 2 Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) Council approved the proposed changes to the parking fine rates within Bylaw No. 2093 (Traffic Control Bylaw) and Staff were directed to organize public consultation hearings and bring forward the necessary amending Bylaw for Council's consideration

b) Council will provide a letter of support to School District No. 27 for their application to the School Community Connections Grant Program for the upgrade or installation of kitchen facilities in a number of schools within the School District.

4) Council gave approval for the 11th Annual Barton Family Christmas Gathering’s horse-drawn wagon rides on Friday, December 10th, provided that proof of $3 million of 3rd Party Liability Insurance is demonstrated. This event will be coordinated through City of WL Staff and all emergency services (Fire, Ambulance, Police) & BC Transit will be notified of this event.

5) Council proclaimed the month of November 2010 as “Adoption Awareness Month” in the City of Williams Lake

6) Late Item - Council approved travel and associated costs for Mayor Cook to travel to Ottawa, Ontario from November 29 to December 1, 2010 to meet with Federal Cabinet Ministers John Baird (Acting Environment Minister) and Gail Shea (Fisheries and Oceans) regarding the Prosperity Mine Project.

7) Late Item – Council received for information In-Camera Report #8-2010 (Appointments to Cariboo Lodge Task Force)

Mayor & Councillors gave individual oral reports on issues/events occurring in the City
Meeting adjourned at 6:47pm

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