As recorded in last Friday's Williams Lake Tribune Weekender - Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook reflected on 2010 and looked forward towards 2011 - see here
As to her goals, I'd like to review those goals for a moment:
1) Economic Development & Business Development - considering that she has had two full years now and nothing to show for it, I believe this is a desperation measure for her, given 2011 is also an election year and she needs to demonstrate that she should continue as Mayor but ultimately I believe the electorate of Williams Lake are beyond patience as to turfing Kerry Cook and her "minions" (Councillors Walters, Zacharias and Bourdon) off Williams Lake Council on November 19th, 2011
2) Development of Community Forest - this was a goal set by the last Council and unless things drastically change in 2011, it is likely that the Williams Lake Community Forest will continue to move at a snail's pace while it goes through administrative and other regulatory issues between the Forests' Ministry and Williams Lake Indian Band and others. I should note that I do support the idea of a Community Forest as it has worked out well for Likely, with their partnership with Soda Creek Indian Band, and I'm looking forward to a successful Williams Lake Community Forest
3) New Bylaws - Again, there are a few regulatory bylaws coming forward in 2011 including amendments to Zoning and Water Bylaws to permit Secondary Suites and with regard to Noise Bylaws. It'll be interesting to see if Council takes the time to do the bylaws right the first time, rather than what was observed with this Council ramming the Traffic Control Bylaw through the public process and then consulting the public after
4) On-Going Work with Mayor's Roundtable - It'll be interesting to see what if any tangible results come from this roundtable in 2011. If not, then the next Mayor could pick up this idea and run with it or he could try another idea to spur community growth (economic and social)
I, as a secondary suite owner, am wondering why I am being punished with this 20% increase in the utility bill (which as far as I am concerned is a tax, call it what it is would ya, Council?).
ReplyDeleteMost secondary suite owners are like me, either fixed income, have a low paying job or are a young couple trying to make a mortgage payment. I fall into the low paying job category.
I am more than happy to have my suite inspected for safety and will comply with any issues that might arise from that. But, I am NOT happy that my demographic has been targeted to pay even MORE on the ever increasing 'utility bill'.
3 people live in my house, including my tenant, why am I paying more than a family of 4 up on Country Club Boulevard with REALLY green lawns?
This is indeed a MONEY GRAB by Council and I for one will not vote for a Mayor who makes the statement that we need more affordable, safe housing for renters and then forces landlords to raise rents to offset the new costs which in turn punishes the renters!
guess you should have shown up to the public consultation and PARTICIPATED in the process instead of being like Steve and complaining about it after the fact. Steve preaches public consult but look what happens, no one shows. Canadian apathy and our love to complain at its finest. Get involved at the beginning or zip it.
ReplyDeleteAnd Stevie, its been months of censorship, thought you were gonna lift the iron curtain and remove the moderation, or are you still afraid of people having free speech as you seem to like to enjoy?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments
ReplyDeleteAs for moderating of comments - I believe you'll find that most, if not all, media sites and blogs, now use a moderation function of some sort and that will continue here (note - Williams Lake Tribune moderates its' comments and you can expect the same when the City of WL launches its' online forum in early 2011)
I'm sorry that you don't like me using a moderating function here, but I need a mechanism to ensure that the debate on my blog posts here (suspect publishers for online media sites feel the same)are both constructive and fair to all sides
so now your flip flopping from your original statement that you would turn it off if the comments were fair so...either they continue to be "unfair" according to you....or now your just simply going back on a promise.
ReplyDeleteSome of the comments I've seen to recently are coming close to being "inappropriate" and thus moderation will remain in place for the foreseeable future
ReplyDeleteSorry that this disappoints you but there are literally very few if no sites left that "do not" have moderation of any kind
Best Advice I can give - get used to moderation at all media sites and blogs, again for the foreseeable future, given courts have ruled that administrators of blogs/media sites are responsible for comments left at their site(s)
Some of the comments I've seen to recently are coming close to being "inappropriate" and thus moderation will remain in place for the foreseeable future
ReplyDeleteSorry that this disappoints you but there are literally very few if no sites left that "do not" have moderation of any kind
Best Advice I can give - get used to moderation at all media sites and blogs, again for the foreseeable future, given courts have ruled that administrators of blogs/media sites are responsible for comments left at their site(s)
I guess when you want only your opinion to be seen you need to play your cards close eh....
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the secondary suites, im glad they are being regulated. Improper ones bring down property value, alot in glendale are death traps, and just a matter of time before our own version of "east van" has a fatailty due to improper dangerous suites.
I have no issues with the regulation of the suites, would welcome an inspection and gladly comply with any issues arising from that.
ReplyDeleteI do take issue with the City targeting a group of people who need the income from their suites. And why do you make the assumption that I did not attend the meetings and participate?
I completely agree that there are many places in almost all areas of our city that need to be cleaned up, but dumping another 20% on the homeowner is not going to help with that. Homeowners should be metered for useage instead of Council using this to take money from those who need it, which will be both the renter and the tenant.
And from what I have seen on our local media online sites, there are a lot of people who use the words 'free speech' to attack. I agree that moderation is necessary - otherwise we wouldn't have the choice to remain...Anonymous