Thursday, December 23, 2010

Quesnel residents' encouraged to complete online survey

The City of Quesnel has launched the second phase of its Citizen Satisfaction Survey. Residents and business owners can now complete an online, 26-question survey that is the same as the telephone survey that was completed last month. The survey asks residents for their opinion on a wide variety of subjects, including quality of life, quality of services, and taxation.

Residents and business owners can visit and click on the links to the survey.

The online survey will be open until Friday Jan. 7. The results will be summarized at the first formal budget meeting of 2011 on Monday Jan. 17. That meeting gets underway at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. It will include a brief budget overview, the formal public input session, and a review of the survey results.

The City of Quesnel encourages residents and business owners to take advantage of this opportunity to share their ideas with City Council. Those views can make a difference when Council discusses important issues at budget time.

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