Thursday, January 13, 2011

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Agendas (Updated)

After much prodding from myself and CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff, the Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Agendas were finally published online, first starting at its' November 17th, 2010 meeting

The Joint Committee deals primarily with recreation/cultural issues but deals with other sub-regional issues as well.  However, the Agenda for tonight's (Jan 13th) meeting is not hosted at the City of WL 's website or even the CRD website.  Contrast that to North Cariboo where Joint Committee Meeting Agendas are hosted at the City of Quesnel's website - no questions asked

Now - I have a call in to Brian Carruthers (City of WL CAO) requesting clarification around who is publishing the Joint Committee Agendas (no answer as of 12:30pm Thursday, call placed at 9:00am Thurs), as the CRD is hosting the Joint Committee meetings' until June, but it is disappointing that Joint Committee Agendas can not now be accessed by the public.  Until something is fixed, I will continue to provide access to anyone who wants a Joint Committee Agenda, by request. 

There is absolutely no reason why the City of Williams Lake could not continue to host the Joint Committee Agendas on their website, even though the Joint Committee Meetings take place now at the CRD Boardroom until June 2011


UPDATE - City of WL CAO Brian Carruthers advises at 1:50pm Thursday, Jan 13th that the Cariboo Regional District is now responsible for public access to the Central Cariboo Joint Commmittee Agendas from now - June 2011

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