Friday, January 14, 2011

City of WL Snow Removal Update - Jan 14th

The City’s Municipal Services Department continues to work around the clock keeping roads and sidewalks open. “Snow removal operations are going well,” states Kevin Goldfuss, the City’s Director of Municipal Services. “The sidewalk machine has been repaired and is working on clearing sidewalks, and our crews are committed to work throughout these snowstorm events as they move through the Interior region.”

Residents are asked to remain patient and are requested to assist in shoveling snow in front of their residents and businesses. The City has trucked snow from the downtown core and will continue to truck snow from the downtown and troubled areas as accumulations continue to increase. Residents are asked to park vehicles in driveways whenever possible this will assist with crews when they are in your area for both snow plowing and snow removal.

The City would like to remind the public to remove garbage and recycling carts from the curbs as soon as possible this will assist crews and will ensure that your area is cleaned in a timely manner. Further, please be aware that it is difficult sometimes for equipment operators to see small children playing on boulevards and in snow banks. The City encourages parents to have their children stay away from these areas as they can become quite dangerous.

Answers to some frequently asked questions:

Why does the City plow my driveway in when the sand truck comes by?

The City’s sand trucks are not equipped with a gate and cannot prevent snow accumulations from building up. Driveways will be gated and cleared of snow once the City crews are in your area with heaver equipment.

What do I do with snow in my driveway or on my parking lot?

Residents and businesses are responsible for their snow and snow storage, and the removal of the snow, the City bylaw does allow residents to pile snow no greater than 0.5 metres in height and 0.5 metres away from the curb.

Why does the City blow snow onto my boulevard?

The City blows snow onto 95 % of all boulevards within the City. This is done to remove snow from City streets and is the most cost effective way to handle snow

Do I have to clean up sand on my boulevard in the spring?

Yes, the City does not have the budget that it would take to clean sand from boulevards in the spring; this is the responsibly of the property owner.

Does the City have snow plowing priority areas?

Yes, the City has snow plowing priority areas. They include the area around the Cariboo Memorial Hospital, all schools, and the downtown. The City owns and operates five sanding and salting plow trucks, which are dispatched to five separate locations within the City to ensure that all City streets are being plowed simultaneously. Heavy snow accumulations on priority streets and roads may delay crews in getting to lesser priority side streets and parking lots.

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