Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quesnel Council Highlights - January 24th Meeting

Council provides budget direction

City Council has provided direction regarding tax levels for Budget 2011. Council has directed staff to prepare a draft budget with a target of no more than a 5.5 per cent tax increase, with no shifting of taxes from industry to other classes.

A number of factors are pressuring the City's budget. A continued decrease to industrial assessment continues to be of prime concern. The Northstar mill was granted a complete shutdown allowance, reducing its assessment by $2.37 million and resulting in lost municipal taxes of about $145,000 for 2011.

Another industrial property, Quesnel River Pulp, is in the final stages of an appeal process. Due to that appeal, the City expects to lose about $3 million worth of industrial assessment, which equals another $180,000 in lost municipal taxes. And as this appeal is retroactive, the City expects to return about $685,000 to West Fraser for 2009 and 2010. While the City had anticipated this and has about $565,000 in a tax stabilization reserve, $120,000 from Budget 2011 must be used to cover the cost.

Changes to CN Rail's assessment in the utilities category resulted in the loss of about $56,000 in municipal taxes.

The assessment changes alone result in about a three per cent tax increase. A "status quo" budget would result in an additional three per cent increase for the average homeowner. This would not include the City adding funds to its Quesnel Works: Capital Reinvestment Program or tax stabilization reserve, which Council will discuss in the coming weeks.

Dollar figures or percentages referred to in Budget 2011 news are not final until the budget process is complete.

Trade mission gets green light

The City will lead an economic development mission to Japan in July 2011. A proposal from the Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corporation suggests the City should work with industry, education, tourism and other regional stakeholders to develop a seven- to 10-day trade mission. The itinerary could involve visits with industries such as primary and secondary wood manufacturing, and various agricultural ventures. Council approved the Mayor, one Councillor, a city staff person and a representative from QCEDC to go on the mission. All costs for the City's contingent will be covered by a $25,000 grant the
City received from the provincial government to support Asia-Pacific Twinning Initiatives and funding from the Northern Development Initiative. As this year marks the 30th anniversary of the City's sister city relationship with Shiraoi Japan, the mission is scheduled to coincide with a trip already planned by the Shiraoi Twinning Society.

Other News

- Several members of the Communities in Bloom Committee presented Council with the City's five-bloom certificate. The City competed for the first time in the international competition, scoring five blooms and receiving special mention for the Fraser River Footbridge restoration.
- Mayor Mary Sjostrom has been appointed to the Forest and Range Practices Advisory Council. The PAC provides advice and recommendations to the Minister on issues including forest and range practices, policies and legislation.
- Council welcomed a delegation of international students to Chambers. The students attend Correlieu Secondary School's sister school in Shanghai China.


February - Heart Month
Feb. 23 - Rotary Day

Important Dates

Monday Jan. 31 - Deadline to file property assessment complaints.

Friday, Feb. 4 - Quesnel Sports Hall of Fame induction ceremony and Quesnel Art Gallery Art from the Heart group show opening.
Show and Reception at 6 p.m., inductions at 7 p.m. in the West Fraser Timber Room at the Quesnel and District Arts and recreation Centre.

Future Quesnel Council/North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meetings:

Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
Tuesday, January 25

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting:

Monday, January 31 - 3 p.m.

Next Regular Council Meeting:
Monday, February 7

Next Delegation Meeting:
Monday, February 21
Preliminary budget meeting, including overview of the draft 2011 operating budget.

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