Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WL Council Meeting Highlights - January 25th

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ T. Barr, G. Bourdon, N. Hébert, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer
Geoff Goodall – General Manager of Planning and Operations
Kevin Goldfuss – Director of Muncipal Services
Annie McKitrick – Acting Manager of Social Development
Randy Isfeld – Director of Protective Services (Fire Chief)

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Jan 11th, 2011 WL Council meeting approved


1) June Striegler (Vice-President, Cariboo-Chilcotin Partners for Literacy) appeared before Council to present information regarding Literacy Programs in Williams Lake
2) Kevin Goldfuss (City of WL Director of Muncipal Services) appeared before Council to give information on Snow Removal Procedures


1) Council adopted reports from their Standing Committees as follows:

General Governance:

a) Council approved travel for Councillor Geoff Bourdon to attend MP Dick Harris' roundtable to discuss Canada's economy for the upcoming 2011 budget at the Civic Centre in Prince George on Wednesday, January 26, 2011. Councillor Tom Barr was opposed

b) Council rejected an increase in the per diem rate from $60 to $80 per day

c) Council received a letter from Sarah Eves of the Life Skills Unit at Williams Lake Secondary School and the request for a donation towards use of the Handy Dart service was denied and Ms. Eves was encouraged to apply for a Grant in Aid.

Planning and Operations:

a) Council endorsed the 2011 Wood Stove Exchange Program being run in the Cariboo Region (Williams Lake area) during the months of February, March and April 2011 and encourage the community to participate by exchanging their old wood stoves for new more efficient stoves. Council authorized an in-kind contribution to the 2011 Wood Stove Exchange Program by refunding the $80 building permit fee for every woodstove purchased and installed under the 2011 wood stove exchange program. Council also allowed the Williams Lake Environmental Society to place a display in the City Hall lobby highlighting the wood stove exchange program.

b) Council authorized City Staff to submit a grant funding application through the Gas Tax Agreement Innovations Fund for the construction of Overall Stormwater Management - Phase 3 in 2011.

c) Council ratified a Remedial Action Resolution pertaining to 675 Pigeon Avenue – Marlene & Wayne Kidd for removal of 11 Vehicles by February 28th, 2011.  See more on this story from Welcome to Williams Lake here

d) Council referred DVP #1-2011 (Carl and Joy Hennig) to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for review/recommendations. The DVP will be considered by Council at its’ Feb 8th, 2011 meeting

Community Services:

a) Council appointed Councillors Laurie Walters and Natalie Hébert as liaison to the Junior Council for the remainder of the term of this Council with Councillor Geoff Bourdon appointed as Alternate and two Councillors will be appointed at the Inaugural meeting of the new Council in December 2011 to be the liaison with the Junior Council.

b) Council received a letter from Trish Hill, Senior Tobacco Reduction Coordinator, Interior Health Authority regarding Smoke Free Champions for Change Initiative. The community was encouraged to nominate any eligible person(s) for the Smoke Free Champions for Change.

c) Council agreed to authorize the Mayor/Clerk to sign the new Service Delivery Contract between the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society and the City/CRD

d) Council agreed to place the local Arts and Culture Society expenditures for 2010/2011 on the City’s and Cariboo Regional District’s websites

e) Council agreed to amend the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference to reflect quorum as “members’ present” rather than “members’ appointed”

f) Council received a report from the City’s Community Service Director (Geoff Paynton) on a Recreation Survey. The survey will also include information on how to become a member of the local Recreation Advisory Committee and what the Committee does. The survey will also note the Cariboo Regional District owns the land where the local Recreation Complex sits but the City of WL runs the day-to-day operations at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

2) Council received two recommendations from Committee of the Whole as follows:

a) Council approved 4 recommendations for future projects (as result of new Fire Hall budget overrun:

i) For a project of significant value or complexity, utilize a Principle Contractor model whereby the contractor assumes responsibility and risk for excess costs other than those approved by the City through change orders
ii) In the event a Project Management model is utilized, the City should retain all financial administration responsibilities. Project Management should be limited to oversight and coordination of construction activities
iii) In the event that staff is aware of expected cost-overruns, Council must be informed prior to further work commencing so that appropriate budget authorizations can be provided by Council
iv) Establish a project oversight committee with Council representative for all projects of significant value or complexity as a common practice with monthly reports to Council.

b) Council authorized Staff to proceed with a public engagement process with regard to the City’s new Draft Official Community Plan

3) Council received for information the Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights from its’ January 14th meeting
4) Council authorized Mayor Cook or her alternate to attend the 2011 Province-Wide Community to Community Forum on March 1, 2011 at the Chief Joe Mathias Centre in North Vancouver, BC.
5) Council proclaimed Feb 21st – 25th 2011 as “Chamber of Commerce” week in the City of WL
6) Council proclaimed Jan 31st – Feb 4th as “International Toastmasters” week in the City of WL
7) Council received for information the “Council Information Package – 3 items) as of Jan 25th

Council members’ gave oral reports on issues/events occurring in the City of Williams Lake
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm with Council resuming meeting In-Camera

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