Friday, February 18, 2011

End of Week News Wrap Up

In Williams Lake:

* Taseko Mines announces expansion plans at Gibraltar Mines, near McLeese Lake - see here
* Cariboo MLA's give their take on the 2011 Provncial Budget - see here
* The local Social Planning Council reports on living wage standards in the Williams Lake area - see

In Quesnel:

* Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar questions Mayor Sjostrom & Councillors' Coralee Oakes and Laurey-Anne Roodenburg upcoming hotel expenses for the UBCM Convention in September.  Read here and here.  Read Mayor Sjostrom's response here

Editor's Note - I think that how Councillor Thapar handled this issue is deplorable and is quite frankly conduct unbecoming a Quesnel City Councillor. If he was truly concerned about Mayor Sjostrom and Quesnel Councillors' Coralee Oakes/L-A Roodenburg's expenses, instead of scoring cheap political points in the media, he could have and should have contacted Mayor Sjostrom personally and explained his concerns to her.  Finally - I believe Councillor Oakes has it right when she says this (from her Facebook page):

If you are going to judge me look at actual expenses vs what you think I might spend

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