Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Local News Roundup - Tues Feb 15th edition

In the Williams Lake Tribune today:

* Old Sigurdson Sawmill near Hanceville to reopen this week - see here
* Central Cariboo Joint Committee approves $50,000 be spent on a RFP or Request for Proposals for a Indoor Turf Facility at the Comer Park, across from the TRU Campus on Western Avenue - see here
* BC NDP Leadership Candidate Harry Lali was in Williams Lake last week to discuss his hopes/desires for BC if he becomes the BC NDP Leader/Leader of the Opposition - see here
* Science World coming to Williams Lake in early March announced Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett - see here

Over at the Rush:

* Anti-HST forces have decided not to pursue a Recall Campaign against BC Liberal MLA Donna Barnett, in light of the recall failure in Oak Bay-Gordon Head and the slow start for the recall campaign in Kamloops-North Thompson.  See here

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