Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rejected Biomass Plant in the Chilcotin

Earlier today, both the Williams Lake Tribune (see here) and The Rush (see here) reported that TNG Chair Joe Alphonse expressing outrage that BC Hydro rejected their Biomass proposal which would have used Mountain Pine Beetle wood and wood waste to generate electricity.  I support this proposal because it would do three things:

1) Generate much needed economic development in the Chilcotin
2) Generate wealth for the Anahim Band
3) Help eliminate Mountain Pine Beetle as "food" for future wildfires in the Chilcotin

However, Joe Alphonse publicly speculated that if provincial/local politicians don't do something about this - he may consider blocking all logging activities in the Chilcotin.  I personally regret such strong language and I would have hoped Mr. Alphonse take the "high road" rather than suggest economic threats that could have unintended impacts on the regional economy.  I understand that he is upset with BC Hydro's decision.  He should use that energy to get BC Hydro to change their "no" into a "yes" and not make unwarranted economic threats.  That advice would apply as well to non-native politicians


1 comment:

  1. We have decided in BC to let the minority run the will of the majority. Lets call it like it is, pandering to First Nations. If i was to block the road id be jailed, but if a FN person does it, its noble.....i get tired of the double standard in BC and am fed up to the point of moving.
