Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WL Council Meeting Highlights - Feb 8th

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ T. Barr, G. Bourdon, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Absent:  Councillor Natalie Hébert

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Geoff Goodall – General Manager of Planning and Operations

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Jan 25th, 2011 WL Council meeting approved


1) Julie and Martin Sills appeared before Council to plead their case for Water/Sewer services on Woodland Drive (Mayor Cook declared a personal conflict of interest and Acting Mayor Geoff Bourdon took the Chair at 6:06pm and Mayor Cook resumed the Chair at 6:23pm).  Residents will be advised when this matter is considered next by either Council or Committee of the Whole via email list.  Council to receive actual cost to install water/sewer for Woodland Drive by Feb 15th.  Possible consideration at Committee of the Whole on either March 1st or 15th

2) Nicole Roberts (2010/2011 WL Stampede Princess) appeared before Council to request sponsorship for her bid to become a BC Ambassador - matter referred to General Governance Committee for review and report back to Council


1) WL Council adopted a number of recommendations from its 3 Standing Committees:

General Governance:

a) Council approved travel, accommodation & registration for Mayor Kerry Cook to attend Northern Mayors' and Regional District Chairs' Transportation Roundtable on March 3rd and 4th at the Civic Centre in Prince George, BC

b) Council approved Mayor Cook attending the 2011 Local Government Leadership Academy Forum in Richmond on February 16-18, 2011 at a cost of $1,500 (cost to be charged to Mayor Cook’s travel budget). Councillors Tom Barr & Surinder Rathor opposed

Planning and Operations:

a) Council renewed the janitorial services contract with PACT Ltd. for the period of April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 in the amount of $75,516.24

b) Council approved the Lease assignment between Allied Aircraft Sales Inc. and Westcan Aircraft Sales & Salvage Ltd., for 1,253 m2 located at the Williams Lake Regional Airport subject to all City account balances with respect to Lease #CWL2900 being paid in full

Community Services:

a) Council agreed to send a letter of support to the Canadian Cancer Society for the development of the Northern Lodge (to be located in Prince George, BC)
b) Council agreed to support and encourage the creation of a stand-alone committee to further the work of the Sosua Sister City project on behalf of the greater Williams Lake community and referred this matter back to Committee of the Whole for further discussion

2) Council adopted two (2) recommendations from Committee of the Whole, as follows:

a) Council authorized Staff to have land appraisals being completed for Parcel A, District Lot 8848, Plan PGP46981 - 897 Midnight Drive and for Parcel A, District Lot 8833, Plan PGP36939 - 1819 South Lakeside Drive

b) Council agreed to write to the provincial government to support the TRU students’ society efforts to ensure that post-secondary institutions obtain a larger proportion of their funding from the Provincial Government, that the grant portion of financial assistance for students be increased, and that special consideration be given to universities serving rural populations so that there is sufficient funding for them to provide programs in places like Williams Lake

3) Council proclaimed the following events in Williams Lake:

a) National Aboriginal Day – June 21st, 2011
b) International Day for the Elimination of Racism – March 21st, 2011
c) World Autism Awareness Day – April 1st, 2011
d) Heritage Week – February 21st – 27th, 2011

4) Late Item – Council agreed to increase its’ Per Diem rate from $60 a day to $68 per day to compensate Staff and Council for the HST on food bills. Councillor Laurie Walters was opposed

5) Council received the “Council Information Package” for February 8th, 2011

Meeting adjourned at 7:26pm to resume In-Camera

Note - I will have a blog entry on my take of this meeting Wednesday.  Stay tuned!!!

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