Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BC Conservatives call on Premier Clark to run in Vancouver-Pt Grey by-election

Today former BC Premier Gordon Campbell resigned as an MLA in the BC Legislature, after nearly two decades of service,” said BC Conservative Party regional director Alan Forseth.

“Gordon Campbell won that seat (Vancouver-Quilchena) in a 1994 by-election; now Christy Clark should herself seek the approval of voters in the Vancouver Point Grey riding, rather than putting taxpayers to the expense of a early general election”, he continued.

This government has been one of excess spending for some time now, and many British Columbians do not see the need for her to call a general election before the current government mandate expires in May of 2013.

“Christy Clark sat as a Liberal MLA when the government of the day passed legislation to have fixed election dates, and there really is no justification for her to now call an early general election.”

“However, with Clark unable to sit in the legislature as she does not currently have a seat, we look forward to seeing her first meet that challenge of being elected as an MLA in a by-election,” he concluded.
Forseth went on to say, “I believe that newly sworn in Premier Christy Clark should allow the residents of British Columbia to see how she, along with her newly minted and largely recycled cabinet from former premier Gordon Campbell, will perform”

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