The CRD’s Central Cariboo Search & Rescue (CCSAR) group is frequently viewed by the public as being a huge organization with a limitless supply of human resources. The reality is quite the opposite.
People expect that Search & Rescue volunteer crews will be there in times of crisis such as automobile accidents, lost/missing family members, mishaps on local rivers, and evacuations to name a few. However, with members moving for jobs, or having to slow down due to young families or age, and people generally not volunteering, search & rescue personnel numbers have fallen dramatically in recent years.
Membership in CCSAR is strictly volunteer, however, the satisfaction of helping out the community and surrounding areas, as well as being part of a dedicated team of people that share similar interests, is well worth the time and effort. Membership also provides free training and experience while providing an important service to the central Cariboo.
If you are interested in giving back to your community, working with a supportive group, and learning new skills, become a member of the CRD’s Central Cariboo Search & Rescue team. For more information visit CCSAR at or email
Ever think to ask why so many people left over the last year?