Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog Comments & City of WL Budget/CAO Responsibility

1) Blog Comments

Yesterday, I received, in part, the following comment from a Mr.S. Claussen:

Also I am also sickened that Mr Forseth's blog page is being used to take personal shots at him and to start rallying political campaigns.These pages are a great way to open dialogue about issues. It shouldn't be used to for negative purposes. I would recommend to Mr Forseth that anyone who does not put their name to a post should not have it go live. I, like a previous blogger was not able to get my name accepted in the post process but will gladly put it here at the end of my comments. Sincerely - S.Claussen

While I thank Mr. Claussen for his comment, I'm not willing to absolutely require that all have to put their name to a post, mainly because I think that it would take away from the sole purpose of this blog which is to have a fullsome, polite and respectful debate of issues facing our City, Province and Country which includes those who desire to put their name to a comment on my blog and those who wish to remain "Anonymous"

Also - I'm a big boy and know that not all will like what I have to say on issues but I always look forward to the comments that I receive. Please keep them coming. Short of absolute slander comments (which will not be published), I intend to continue reviewing comments for appropriateness prior to them going "live"

2) City of Williams Lake Budget and the CAO's responsibility

Last Friday, I blogged on comments from the former City of WL Director of Finance Candie Laporte in which she made some suggestions around decisions that CAO Brian Carruthers allegedly made in the City's Annual Budget/5-Year Financial Plan, which were contrary to the Community Charter - see that blog post here and see the City's formal response here

The Community Charter at Section 173 describes what a local government may or may not do, in respect of a Budget/5-Year Financial Plan - see Section 173 here for the precise legal language

In plain English however - The CAO may change salaries of City Staff or do other things as it relates to City Operations, provided such changes do not affect the overall balance (revenue-expenses = zero) of the Annual Budget/5-Year Financial Plan. Also, the City CAO is not legally required to consult Council over small changes to the Budget/5-Year Financial Plan unless the changes that are contemplated clearly affect the balancing of the Annual Budget/5-Year Financial Plan. 

Obviously, the current City CAO (Brian Carruthers) is very careful around what changes he can and can't make to the budget but a typical budget discussion (after adoption of Annual Budget/5-Year Financial Plan) would involve the CAO/Mayor/Director of Finance around salary changes, changes to City Operations, etc that affects the Budget/5-Year Financial Plan, in some fashion. 

The debate really is whether or not the CAO should be obligated, from a moral perspective, to discuss with Council changes to City Operations that could have a bearing on the City Annual Budget/5-Year Financial Plan

Should the CAO advise Council when make changes that affects any aspect of the City's Annual Budget/5-Year Financial Plan - yes he/she should and in times past, I told, this was done.

Under this Council - however, it appears that this is not currently done and perhaps this should be revisited with the next Council as the language contained within last Friday's City of WL Press release suggests that this Council intends to continue operating on the principle that Council passes the Budget and the City of WL CAO manages the Budget and should not report back unless any expenditure exceeds the Annual Budget/5-Year Financial Plan



  1. I am it being suggested that staff can use the money what ever way they seem fit. That is very brave because if there is some service that I am without because the money is diverted elsewhere I am going to hold Mayor and Council responsible and they should be held accountable. If there is a diversion of funds from one budget line to another shouldn't there be a reallocation report submitted to Council for approval? That is how it is done in other communities. why isn't it done in the City of Williams Lake so that taxpayers know and Council is made aware of it and can vote on it.Instead staff is allowed to shuffle money from where ever. If that is not illegal it is unethical. How can the City say they have no money but also say they were able to cover overruns and extras with in the operational budget?Wouldn't that mean then that the City budget could be cut by that same amount the next year as that same dollar amount had no adverse effect on the services delivered.wouldn't this then lower taxes? Looking at the budget this year it doesn't seem so!In
    stead we are paying for raises. So do we allow this to happen? Any private company that this occurred in would have dismissed their manager or executive but not in the public sector. We the taxpayers have to suck it up.
    I am thoruoughly dismayed that Mayor Cook, the senior staff of City of Williams Lake and several Council members can have such a low regard for those of us who struggle day to day to make ends meet and balance our budget in a open and true manner. Shame on you all for spitting in the face of all of us.. I am not a person who wishes ill will on others but i think it is in the best interest of all including yourselfs that you are dimissed from the duties that you clearly have no intent to hold in an ethical manner. Again shame on you. i have to say that me, my wife and our two children will continue to look for a way to leave this community after eight years and I for one will never look back.
    Mayor Cook I hope you enjoyed your recent travels because truly I hope it was your last.They say no deed shall go in your arrogance and disregard for those hurting will have something or someone to recon with eventually.

  2. Neither you nor Steve have any idea what you are talking about. A city council doesn't run the day to day operations. Staff do. Do you think they should tell council every time someone gets a raise because the collective agreement requires it? It's part of the day to day business. Or should council be concentrating on bigger issues, like attracting business and providing new services?
    Read the tribune story. The CAO did nothing wrong.

  3. Thanks for your comments...

    Anonymous at 8:42am...

    I don't think we're talking about absolute micro-managing City Staff but that Staff should just give a heads-up to Council whenever a change takes place that impacts the Budget (move numbers around) and Council can continue to do the things it needs to deal - ie: providing new services or attracting business(es) to Williams Lake

  4. Why are we hearing so much about this....let it go !!!!!Yes the City is bound by the Collective Agreement, yes the CAO has a right to manage. Yes people have a right to call out something if it is they want to.
    One blogger liken this to a popularity contest...remove the names people stick to the facts but why don't we just leave it all alone.
