Monday, March 7, 2011

Christy Clark makes several key announcements

Over in the Twitter universe, the following announcements were made by Christy Clark (BC Premier-designate) at her press conference today:

1) Her swearing-in takes place on Monday, March 14th with a new Cabinet to be sworn-in as well
2) There will be no review of Basi-Virk legal fees
3) A retired judge will hold a commission into gaming in BC.
4) No new BC Budget is forthcoming

Items #1, 3 and 4 will be fine with the public.  Item #2 however probably will not sit too well with the public and it'll be interesting to see what the public has to say on Clark's refusal to not review the Basi-Virk legal fees arrangement


1 comment:

  1. Actually point 3 shouldnt sit well with anyone. The judge system is corrupt and needs to follow the american example of voting judges in and not appointing them as the political parties appoint them with no accountability for their decisions.
