Tuesday, April 26, 2011

CRD Board Highlights - April 20th Meeting

CCRHD Invests in Canadian Cancer Society’s Residential Lodge for the North

The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) will provide a letter of support and $60,349 in capital funding for the Canadian Cancer Society’s project to build and operate a 36 bed Residential Lodge in Prince George, BC adjacent to the Northern Cancer Centre. This new Lodge will provide a "home away from home" for individuals and their caregivers traveling to Prince George for treatment.

IH Physician/ Professional Staff Recruitment Plans

Allison Ruault of Interior Health appeared before the Board and presented a proposal to develop Physician/ Professional Staff recruitment plans for Williams Lake and 100 Mile House. Consistent with communities of similar size, Williams Lake and 100 Mile experience challenges in recruiting new physicians and other health care professionals to the area. Recruitment is as dependent on the community as the position itself. Many areas have been more successful in attracting candidates to positions when there is a strong partnership between the health authority and the local community. The CCRHD moved to support the development of these recruitment plans with $15,000 from their funding allocation for partnerships with foundations and other non-profit organizations.

Williams Lake and Area Interface Fire Plan Update

Mike Simpson, of the Williams Lake and Area Interface Fire Plan Secretariat, appeared before the Board to provide an update on fuel management activities in the region. He highlighted past accomplishments and future plans for the secretariat. Mr Simpson also stressed the importance of educating area residents about how they can implement their own fuel management plan. More information about the plan can be found on the City of Williams Lake website at www.williamslake.ca

Energy efficiency Projects for 150 Mile & Bouchie Lake

150 Mile Community Club and Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission will be receiving Community Works funding for energy efficiency projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save money on lighting and heating costs. $1,500 of Community Works Funds will be allocated to the 150 Mile Community Club to perform lighting upgrades at the the 150 Mile Community Hall. Up to $30,000 of Community Works Funding will be allocated to the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission to install insulated doors, insulation, and perform upgrades to the lighting.

Library amnesty week

The Cariboo Regional District Library has declared an amnesty on library fines up to $20.00 per library card during the week of May 3 to 7, 2011. The amnesty is becoming an annual tradition and in return for waiving fines, the CRD would like to request that the public bring donations of recommended nonperishable foods to be provided to local area food banks.

Forest Capital Magazine Launched

The Forest Capital Committee has launched, Our Backyard – Forests of the Cariboo Chilcotin, a commemorative magazine illustrating the various uses of our forests where we work, live and play. The magazine is available to the public at no cost, however only 10,000 copies are available. The publication is geared towards people who want to learn more about the region, making it an ideal read for people interested in relocation, investing in or travelling to the Cariboo Chilcotin. Copies are available at all CRD offices, in our libraries, and at tourism information centres throughout the region. The magazine may also be viewed online at the CRD website.

Forest Capital Lecture Series

This spring and fall, the Forest Capital Committee will host the 2011 Forest Capital Speaker Series. These sessions are open to the general public and organizations that are interested in climate action and communities in transition at no cost. The Speaker Series will provide access to two leading experts in their respective fields of study. This will enable residents to have the opportunity to learn, debate and discuss two of today’s hottest topics: Climate Action and Communities in Transition.

In May, Mr. Dave Leman, Coordinator of the Northern Climate Change Network will be in Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile presenting Reducing Our Carbon Footprint. Mr. Leman will offer ideas on how individuals and communities can reduce their carbon footprint, with reference to some of the traditional and emerging technologies, practices and programs which can be easily implemented. Visit www.cariboord.bc.ca for more information about this lectures series.

Board Proclamations

Shades of Fun Day – May 26th
National Day of Mourning - April 28th
CRD Library Fines Amnesty Week – May 3rd -7th

Next Board Meeting

Friday, May 6, 2011

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