Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Provincial/Federal Political News - Tues April 26th edition

In the Province:

* Political Columnist Micheal Smyth looks at the developing situation involving Vancouver-South Conservative candidate Wai Young - see here

Editor's Note - your chances for election can't be good when your own "flesh and blood" won't vote for you.  Liberal Vancouver-South MP Ujjal Dosanjh can get comfy for another term

* Independent Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson calls for summit on bio-energy.  See here

* Adrian Dix announces his critic appointments.  See here (Black Press) and here (Globe and Mail)

Editor's Note - While I wasn't surprised that Dix put fellow NDP Leadership Candidates in critic posts, it is interesting to see Dawn Black put into the post of Assistant Deputy Speaker (NDP) of the BC Legislature and Carole James with no critic role.  But moving Mike Farnworth from Solicitor-General/Opposition House Leader to Health Critic - this after Mr. Farnworth coming 2nd in the NDP Leadership Race - I have to ask - WTF?!?!.  Could this backfire on Mr. Dix?  Possibly...Mr. Farnworth is the NDP's most effective weapon in shaming BC Liberals

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