Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Email to the Provincial Inspector of Muncipalities (Updated)

Earlier today - I blogged on the fact that all local governments must hand in their 2010 Audited Financial Statements not later than Monday, May 15th as per Section 167(4) of the Community Charter

The following local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin have either recieved or receive/adopt their 2010 Audited Financial Statements:

1) District of Wells - recieve/adopt
2) City of Quesnel - recieve/adopt
3) District of 100 Mile House - recieve only
4) Cariboo Regional District Board - recieve/adopt

In light of the fact that the City of Williams Lake has not, as of this writing, received its' 2010 Audited Financial Statements but yet was able to adopt the 2011 Budget/5-Year Financial Plan, I sent Mike Furey - the Province's Inspector of Muncipalities the following email re: extension of time to submit the 2010 Audited Financial Statements from the City of WL and I'll let you know when I get a response:

Good day, Mr. Furey:

My name is Steve Forseth and I reside in Williams Lake. I’m a local political blogger reporting on local, provincial and federal political matters. In accordance with Section 167(4) of the Community Charter, a local government (municipal council/regional district board) is required to file, by May 15th, with your office a copy of the following:

1) Annual Financial Statement
2) Tax Levy Bylaw
3) Annual Budget/5-Year Financial Plan Bylaw

It is the requirement of the filing of the audited financial statement that is of concern to me. As of this writing, the City of Quesnel, Districts of 100 Mile House & Wells and the Cariboo Regional District Board have either adopted or received their 2010 Audited Financial Statements and would be in a position to file them in accordance with the Community Charter. The City of Williams Lake, again as of this writing, as not had its’ 2010 Financial Statements (Audited) before its’ Council for ratification and submission to the Office of the Inspector of Municipalities

One question I have is – can a local government request an extension to the May 15th deadline to file the annual audited financial statements or is the May 15th a “drop-dead” date and it must be met

Any information you can provide, via email, is greatly appreciated. If a response to this could be expedited ASAP, that too would be greatly appreciated


Steve Forseth
Williams Lake, BC

Email – sforseth@shaw.ca or sforseth000@hotmail.com

UPDATE - Response from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Culture:

May 15 is a date set in legislation so there is no ability to grant an extension. However, each year there are a few local governments that are unable to meet this deadline for a variety of reasons. The Office of the Inspector works with the local governments who have not met the deadline to ensure that they are working towards completion of the required financial information and make it available to the Inspector and for public inspection as soon as possible

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