Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Poll Question - What ssues will matter to you during the Local Gov't Election in November

This past week - I've been running a poll question on the following - What Issues matter to you during the Local Government Election in November?

Here are the results out of 22 total votes cast:

Ethics at WL City Hall - 13 votes or 61% of all votes cast
Crime - 7 votes or 33% of all votes cast
Fire Hall Budget Overrun - 6 votes or 28% of all votes cast
Local Economy - 4 votes or 19% of all votes cast
Move of Station House Gallery - 3 votes or 14% of all votes cast
Property Taxes - 1 vote or 4% of all votes cast

Thanks to all who participated in this weekly poll however I was quite surprised about so many voting for Ethics at WL City Hall being a major election issue during this fall's municipal vote.  However, I was not surprised to see Crime and the Fire Hall Budget Overrun issues still being top of mind for local voters as Crime has been a campaign issue since the 2002 civic election.  On the Fire Hall Budget Overrun, most residents' that I run into have deep concerns about how that was handled, given we should have budget lessons from the Tourism Discovery Centre project.

Next week's Poll Question will be:

Who will you be supporting for Mayor of Williams Lake on November 19th:

a) Kerry Cook (Incumbent)
b) Walt Cobb
c) Scott Nelson
d) None of the above

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