Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Eric Freeston/Bill Vander Zalm, HST Referendum Debate and Facts

Earlier today, the Rush ran a story in which Eric Freeston (Local HST Opponent) said the following, on proposed changes to the HST, pending the upcoming referendum: See the story here

1) Rebate Cheques to children under 18 and seniors - $135 (at least, that is what Mr. Freeston said on the radio)
2) Rebate Cheques are illegal, under the Referendum Act

FACT #1:

The Government of BC has committed, if the HST is retained, a rebate to every family with children under 18 of $175 and not $135 as Mr. Freeston has suggested

Source: Government of BC Press Release dated May 25th - see here

FACT #2:

The Referendum Act DOES NOT say that the rebates cheques are illegal under a referendum conducted under the Referendum Act and I openly challenge Mr. Freeston or Mr. Vander Zalm to point what Section of the Referendum Act where it says this

I urge every British Columbian to get ALL THE FACTS before you vote on the June 24th Referendum to either continue with or get rid of the HST

Please remember:

1) Vote YES to get rid of the HST
2) Vote NO to continue with the HST

Good sites for information include:

1) http://www.hstinbc.ca
2) http://www.fighthst.com
3) http://hstjobs.ca/

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