Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No Committee of the Whole Meeting (WL Council)

As I stated on Twitter - tonight's (Tuesday, May 31st) Committee of the Whole (WL Council) was cancelled, due to no quorum available, according to Geoff Goodall, City of WL General Manager of Planning and Operations

Interesting though that I saw Mayor Cook's car earlier today at WL City Hall along with Councillors Tom Barr (parked at WL & District Credit Union) and Geoff Bourdon, driving past 3rd Avenue & Oliver St, again happening earlier today, and Councillor Rathor is in town (he and the City's CAO Brian Carruthers' are travelling to Halifax for the FCM Conference later this week) as we were supposed to get together after Council's meeting to type a letter that he needed me to type up for him

According to CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff's Facebook page - she is attending a dinner with the guest host being the Hon. Steven L Point (Lt Gov of BC) because of a new library being installed at Toosey (west of Williams Lake).  Wonder if Mayor Cook and City Councillors Zacharias, Bourdon, Walters and Barr were also at that dinner tonight instead?

Finally - Lt Gov Steven L Point is scheduled to give a speech to students at Marie Sharpe Elementary in June (probably will happen tomorrow as I can't see him at a dinner Tuesday night and then coming back later for a speech when both events could be wrapped into a two-day event)

UPDATE - June 1st at 5:22pm:

Councillor Rathor has advised me that he was sick and wasn't able to come and attend with Mayor Cook at the Lt-Gov's dinner Tuesday evening & Councillor Laurie Walters in Vancouver for education training.  He isn't aware where Councillors Zacharias, Barr and Bourdon were, although I indicated earlier, Councillors Barr/Bourdon are in town and were available for a meeting and Natalie Hebert is no longer a City Councillor as she gave her resignation date as June 1st, earlier this year

The numbers were still available for a meeting as Mayor Cook could have had the meeting tonight as she, Councillors Rathor, Barr, Bourdon are, to the best of my knowledge, available with Councillors Walters and Zacharias (if she is out of town) joining in via teleconference

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