Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Local News Wrap - May 24th edition

In the Williams Lake Tribune:

* Cariboo-PG Dick Harris returns to Ottawa on June 2nd when the 41st Parliament of Canada convenes - see here

* Review of what the local Salvation Army Food Bank does for our community - see here

* Lots of activities in Williams Lake this weekend - see here

* Localized flooding is possible, especially in the Horsefly River area, due to a melting snowpack - see here

* Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Barnett says "Have a stay-cation" - see here

* Tribune columnist Diana French comments on three City of WL initiatives including the fluoride debate, Retirement Concepts rezoning proposal and City Council's stance on a streamlined environmental review process - see here

* Letter writer Dona Jensen publicly calls for the Cariboo Lodge site to remain only for seniors' - see here (Editor's Note - I wholeheartedly agree with Ms. Jensen and look forward to the local election debate in November as I suspect that this item will be one of many things that the community will want discussed before deciding who forms the City Council of Williams Lake for the 2011-2014 Term)

Over at Welcome to Williams Lake:

* Review of last Thursday's public meeting on regulating shipping containers in the City of WL - see here

Finally - today is D-Day (Decision Day) for PG City Councillor Brian Skakun on whether or not he violated the Province's Privacy Act by releasing an In-Camera Report - see here.

Update  - PG City Councillor has now been found guilty of violating BC's Privacy Act by leaking an In-Camera Report and Judge Ken Ball fined Mr. Skakun $750.  See more details here (PG Citizen)here (Globe and Mail) and here (CBC-BC)

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