Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Review of Last week's Poll Question - Support for City of WL Mayor - 2011-2014 Term

Last week - I asked my blog readers the following question:

Which individual will get your support on November 19th as the next Mayor of Williams Lake for the 2011-2014 Term:

a) Kerry Cook (Incumbent)
b) Walt Cobb
c) Scott Nelson

With 84 people registering votes and this poll was unscientific & is based entirely (including my analysis) on those who voted (and I thank everyone who participated), the final results of the poll are as follows:

a) Scott Nelson - 61 votes or 72% of all votes cast
b) Kerry Cook (Incumbent Mayor) - 17 votes or 20% of all votes cast
c) Walt Cobb - 6 votes or 7% of all votes cast

So - how should Mr. Nelson & Mr. Cobb and Ms. Cook interpret these results with the November 19th vote fast approaching:

For Mr. Nelson and his supporters - He'll be most pleased with these results and speaks generally of what I hear in the community as well

For Ms. Cook and her supporters - The results of this poll should leave her very concerned and should worry her and her supporters as they head towards a Nov 19th vote

For Mr. Cobb and his supporters - Knowing Walt Cobb like I do, it is unlikely that that any poll would concern him.  If he believes in his heart that he has the support necessary to win, then he'll run. 

But for now - all we can do is sit and wait to see how many challengers go up against Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook in November's vote, but based on what I hear in the community, it is inconceivable to believe that Kerry Cook will survive re-election will either a 2, 3 or even a 4 person Mayor's race

So - what would a 3 person Mayor's Race look like, in terms of potential votes .....

Based on the poll results I ran and with the number of people who voted for a Mayoralty candidate in the 2008 Local Government Election - City of Williams Lake (2,970)

The results would be:

Scott Nelson - as many as 2,138 votes
Kerry Cook - as many as 594 votes
Walt Cobb - as many as 208 votes

Stay tuned folks - I believe the Mayor's Race in Williams Lake will be a heated one in contrast to the Councillors' Race which will be a tame and polite debate about ideas, or at least, I hope the Councillor Candidates will be a polite and respectful debate about ideas and not personalities



  1. It is inconceivable to believe Scott nelson could get 2,000 votes.

  2. People are ignorant enough to vote for Harper AGAIN, it could happen for Nelson, too. And I'll be moving to Switzerland!

  3. Thanks all for your comments:

    Anonymous at 11:34am..

    I agree that it is highly unlikely that Scott Nelson would get 2,000 votes from City of WL voters' however depending on what each mayoralty candidate offers in terms of their platform, it is within the "realm of possbilities" that he (Nelson) could come close to 2,000 votes depending on how the Mayor's Race unfolds over the next period of time but with a likely 3 person race for Mayor of Williams Lake - the vote difference between each candidate could be in the hundreds, if not, the tens of votes, based on voter partcipation (33% in 2008 and 49% in 2005 with an average of 33% voter participation)and how the Mayor's race debate unfolds in the traditional debate period of Sept-Nov 2011

  4. I can't imagine Cook getting even one vote. I love the new initiatives and surveys that Mayor and Council are doing right now. This is because they want to see what services they can provide or improve on. Where were you all two and a half years ago.
    All you have been doing is ensuring you get accolades on non essential things. Isn't that like putting icing on dogfood and calling it a birthday cake. Shame on you Mayor Cook and Council...I hope the voters aren't too stupid to fall for your last minute, desperate measures.
