Wednesday, May 4, 2011

WL Council Highlights - May 3rd Meeting


Mayor Cook and Councillors’ Barr, Bourdon, Hébert, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning and Operations
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Lilliana Dragowska – Planner
Annie McKitrick – A/Manager of Social Development
Pat Higgins – Director of Finance
Cindy Walters – Planning Clerk

Meeting called to order at 6:04pm
Minutes of April 19th WL Council meeting adopted


1) Mayor Cook presented Beeotcheese (Local Business), Potters Guild and Hospital Ladies Auxiliary with “Community Spirit Certificates”
2) Abbi Taylor/Ana Lomatavu, from the Junior Council, updated Council on its’ activities
3) Trevor Barnes/Bettina Schoen, from the local Mental Health Association, updated Council on a Suicide/Sudden Death Postvention Protocol. See the protocol here


1) After an oral review from the City Planner – Council gave 1st Reading to OCP Bylaw #2140. The bylaw will be now reviewed on May 17th by the City’s Advisory Planning Commission. A Public Open House on the OCP will be held on Monday, May 16th

Councillor Walters declared a conflict of interest on the next item as the applicant is related to her family

2) Council gave 2nd reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2132 (Ry-Ty Holdings)

Councillor Walters returned to Council Chambers

Council recessed at 7pm for the Public Hearing on Bylaws #2130,2131 and 2134 (Secondary Suites
Council resumed its’ meeting at 7:30pm

3) After receiving 5 delegations and debating whether or not to refer DVP #3-2011 back to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for further review – Council rejected DVP #3-2011 with Councillor Sue Zacharias only being in favour of the DVP

4) Council gave 1st Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2134 (Retirement Concepts Ltd) with the following conditions to be met prior to adoption:

a) hosting a public consultation outlining the future conversion plans to the community between first and second reading; (stay tuned here for the actual date of the public consultation meeting)
b) providing the City with a Code analysis from a professional architect on the Phase 3 - 85 unit assisted living units prior to final adoption
c) providing the City with additional parking spaces specifically for the market rental housing at the rear of the building and providing signage for 2 hour visitor parking at the front of the building; and,
d) entering into a restrictive covenant to ensure that all conversions from the existing senior family residential use to apartment or congregate housing be subject to approval through the building permit process

5) Council received for information a report from City Staff advising, based on funding available, that the following streets will be paved in 2011:

• Oliver St – from Mart St (intersection of Oliver St/3rd Avenue) to Mackenzie Ave
• Toop Rd – Centennial Drive to Highway #97
• 11th Avenue – from Smedley Street to Highway #97
• 2nd Avenue South – from Oliver Street to Mackenzie Avenue
• 3rd Avenue South – Barnard St to Mackenzie Avenue

6) Council approved the Memorandum of Agreement with the Williams Lake and Area Social Planning Council and agreed to receive funds from the Thompson Nicola Cariboo United Way for the Williams Lake and Area Social Planning Council subject to the accountability terms in the Memorandum of Agreement.
7) Council approved the Stampede Association's request for the addition of a storage shed at the Stampede Grounds.
8) Council gave approval for the 2011 KidSport Run Classic on June 26th. Mayor Cook or her designate will be at the event officially starting the run
9) Council adopted a number of Bylaws as follows:

• Bylaw #2124 – Road Closure Bylaw after a public input session where no one spoke on this bylaw
• Bylaw #2134 – 2011 Tax Rates (Councillor Rathor opposed)
• Bylaws #2130, 2131, and 2134 (Secondary Suites) - A number of people spoke to these bylaws including former WL Mayor Scott Nelson (Councillor Rathor opposed)

10) Council adopted 4 Committee of the Whole Recommendations as follows:

a) Council approved a Policy regarding requests for Letters of Support
b) The report from the Water Advisory Committee was received and Staff were authorized to retain the services of Communications Solutions Inc. in the amount not exceeding $33,000 plus disbursements to be paid from the Water Fund in order to develop a communication and public consultation strategy regarding discontinuing fluoridation of the City’s water system
c) Council approved the criteria as outlined in the report of the Manager of Water and Waste dated April 8, 2011 for allowing residents of the City of Williams Lake to apply and receive monies to change old wasteful toilets to more water efficient models.
d) Council repealed Special Occasion Liquor License Approval Process Policy No. 56 and approval be given for the proposed Special Event Application Process Policy and Application Form

11) Council gave approval for the 2011 Grad Parade Route at the request of the 2011 Grad Committee (Parade Committee)
12) Mayor and Council, along with the Junior Council, were encouraged to attend the 2011 BC Rural Network AGM/Workshop being held here at the TRU Campus from May 23rd – 25th. Mayor Cook or her designate will officially open the event on May 24th
13) Council gave approval for the 2011 Aboriginal Day Celebrations/Parade at the request of the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council
14) Council gave approval to five proclamations, as follows:

May 2011 – National Missing Children Month
May 2011 – Hearing and Speech Month
May 7th – Public Information Day
May 15th -22nd – Local Government Awareness Week
May 25th – Missing Children’s Day

15) Council received In-Camera Report #2-2011 (Dissolution of Housing Affordability Committee)
16) Council received the “Council Information Package” as at May 3rd, 2011, as follows:

April 8, 2011 - Letter from Citizenship and Immigration Canada re Canada's Citizenship Award – 2011 – see here
April 15, 2011 - Letter from FortisBC Energy Inc. re Franchise Fee Payment. – see here
April 19, 2011 - Seniors BC Newsletter – see here
April 20, 2011 - Letter from City of Pitt Meadows re Local Government Issues/Interests on the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act – see here
April 20, 2011 - Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights – see here
April 21, 2011 - Information from UBCM re Local Government Elections Legislation (no changes until 2014 Civic Election) – see here
April 22, 2011 - Letter from University of Northern British Columbia RE: UNBC 2011 Brochure – see here

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm with Council resume meeting In-Camera

*** Reminder, the regularly scheduled May 10th Council Meeting has been cancelled with the next regularly scheduled WL Council meeting on May 24th at 6pm***

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