Friday, June 24, 2011

City of WL looks for Receptionist/Cashier

CivicInfoBC (Local Gov't News site) reports that the City of Williams Lake is looking for a Receptionist/Cashier with the job posting closing Monday, July 4th, 2011

See the job posting here

One question though - instead of replacing positions as they come up, Williams Lake Council should ask itself if replacing the position is absolutely necessary or perhaps look at other methods to do the same things with less or contract out even....?


  1. How do you have any idea whether it's necessary or not?

  2. Thank you for your comment but I would agree that I don't know for sure but it would be an act of a responsible Council in a time of economic flux to ask if replacing Staff positions is absolutely necessary and if there is another opportunity to do the same job for a cheaper cost

  3. Two words....Collective Agreement.

    Something you need to familiarize yourself with and many of your questions re/ staffing will be answered.

  4. Thank you again for your comment but I would point out that in the Collective Agreement that the former EcDev Coordinator position was phased out by this Council and if that can be done then either this Council or the next one could declare any position, in the pay schedule, as part of the Collective Agreement, redundant. Note - next Collective Agreement discussions are scheduled to take place in March of 2012 prior to the current Collective Agreement expiring on June 30th, 2012
