Friday, June 24, 2011

School Districts final portion of 2010-2011 School Year Budget issued

School districts around the province are receiving $12.3 million as the final portion of their 2010-11 school year funding. These funds have been made available because overall student enrolment was lower than districts had estimated.

B.C.’s school districts receive funding for every student they enrol. Preliminary funding for the 2010-11 year was determined last March based on district enrolment estimates. At the time, districts estimated total student enrolment of 557,439 for the 2010-11 school year. Actual enrolment was 555,072 students – 2,367 fewer than anticipated. That difference has resulted in more funding support for each student in the province.


George Abbott, Minister of Education –

“We continue to provide B.C.’s education system with the highest funding ever and I am pleased to see districts are using those funds to benefit students in their schools.”

Quick Facts:

· Total operating funding to B.C. school districts for the 2010-11 school year is $4.663 billion. This includes funding set aside to accommodate enrolment increases.

· In December 2010, districts shared $47.1 million in holdback funding at $88 per FTE student because September enrolment was lower than estimated.

· In May 2011, districts shared $8.1 million in holdback funding at $15 per FTE student because February enrolment was lower than estimated.

· Today, districts will share nearly $12.3 million in holdback funding at $23 per FTE student because May enrolment was lower than estimated.

· 2010-11 marks the first year since 2002, when the current funding method began, that districts collectively have over-estimated their enrolment.

· School districts will receive $4.721 billion in overall operating funding for the 2011-12 school year – an increase of $58 million over current funding levels.

Learn More:

· To view full year 2010-11 operating grant allocations for B.C. school districts, visit:

· Further information on B.C.’s K-12 funding allocation is available at:

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin):

September 2010 Enrollment Count (Funding): $52,948,320
February 2011 Enrollment Count (Funding): $450,706
May 2011 Enrollment Count (Funding): $380,585

Total Funding for School Year 2010-2011: $53,779,611

School District #28 (Quesnel):

July 2010 Enrollment Count (Funding): $19,000
September 2010 Enrollment Count (Funding): $34,494,156
February 2011 Enrollment Count (Funding): $627,090
May 2011 Enrollment Count (Funding): $426,928

Total Funding for School Year 2010-2011: $35,567,174

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