Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Message from your local BC Conservatives - Cariboo-Chilcotin Constituency Association

The BC Conservative Party has formed a Constituency Association for the riding of Cariboo-Chilcotin.

Newly elected Constituency Association President Brad McRae states, “I have thought about becoming involved in politics for some time; however no party up until now embodied both the fiscal responsibility and political accountability that I wanted to see”.

The newly formed Association is currently looking for new members, or for those who are simply curious about what the BC Conservatives represent. McRae states, “It’s time for a choice in BC politics, a choice that’s not the same old regime of the Liberals, or the fiscally irresponsible mandate of the NDP, but a choice of sound fiscal responsibility that the BC Conservative Party provides”.

To become involved in your area or to learn more about the BC Conservatives, click on the BC Conservative website at http://bcconservative.ca/ or on Facebook at British Columbia Conservative Party.

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