Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rich Coleman on Prosperity Mine

In his column today - Vancouver Sun political columnist Vaughn Palmer interviews Energy & Mines Minister Rich Coleman on Prosperity Mine & the rebuilding of the provincial relationship with the Tsilhqot'in First Nation.  See that column here.  Also, see a story on this subject - also from the Vancouver Sun here.  See also a new website promoting the 2nd Prosperity Mine proposal here

But as a local BC Liberal supporter and Williams Lake resident - I find his comments on Prosperity Mine deeply disappointing for the following reasons:

1) Appears to be off-side (Coleman says Taseko to blame for the rejection of Prosperity Mine)with his boss's previous comments on Prosperity Mine (BC Premier Christy Clark  said earlier this year that Ottawa was to blame for Prosperity Mine).  If Premier Clark's views on Prosperity Mine are now in line with her Energy Minister - Taseko to blame then that is deeply disappointing and is clearly a flip-flop of her position on Prosperity Mine in February when she proudly stated that Ottawa was clearly to blame on why the 1st Prosperity Mine proposal failed in November of 2010

2) In an earlier interview on CBC's Daybreak South -  Brian Battison (Taseko VP of Corporate Affairs) admitted that his company has tried to re-engage Xeni Gwet'in First Nations over Taseko's new proposal for Prosperity Mine (preserve Fish Lake) but met no success to date.  How far should Taseko bend over backwards to consult before Taseko rightfully states that we need to move forward - with or without Xeni Gwet'in's support.  This is no different that the Cariboo Regional District's attempt to engage proactively the WL Indian Band (Sugarcane) on the CRD's new WL Fringe OCP with no success to date but meanwhile the Soda Creek Indian Band (Xatsull First Nation) has fully signed off on the same OCP.  Again - how long should the CRD bend over backwards to consult Sugarcane before the CRD rightfully says - we can no longer wait for you to respond and we need to move forward

I'm of the opinion that Rich Coleman's view on Prosperity Mine is the wrong one and he'll never get the TNG on board and as such - we should tell Xeni Gwet'in that this mine is needed for the region & that the environment will be protected, as per provincial/federal law, otherwise serious harm will come to this region without the mine coming online and if they (Xeni Gwet'in) don't agree and state that they'll fight it all the way - then we should acknowledge a position of "agree to disagree" and move forward


UPDATE at 4:07pm - Anahim Lk Chief Joe Alphonse says on 4:00pm The Rush newscast that Taseko has not contacted TNG over new Prosperity proposal however Brian Battison (Taseko VP for Corporate Affairs) says that they (Taseko) attempted to contact TNG since December of 2010 but no success has been achieved having face-to-face chats, notwithstanding Mr. Alphonse's assertions that no contact has taken place

Click here for the interview betweeen Daybreak South host Marion Barschel and Brian Battison (Taseko VP of Corporate Affairs) and look for "Prosperity....Again"

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