Thursday, June 9, 2011

Williams Lake News - June 9th edition

* Local Hough Memorial Society needs help - see here
* Interior Health has a plan for doctor shortage at Cariboo Memorial Hospital's Emergency Room - see here
* Local Business Improvement Area very concerned about latest Development Permit for Prosperity Ridge (Wal-Mart site) - see here and here

Editor's Note - as some have pointed out to me - a little late now to complain about this.  The zoning that allow the development in the first place was given 1st Reading on May 29th, 2007 (see here for the report), a public meeting on this item was held by Pioneer Family Land Partnership on Tuesday, September 11th, 2007, was given 2nd Reading on September 18th, 2007 (See here for that report), 3rd Reading was given on October 16th, 2007 and final adoption was given on November 6th, 2007 (see here for that report).  At any of these above times, the BIA was in place then and local downtown businesses who had concerns should have raised them then.  In addition, unlike a previous public hearing on Wal-Mart which lasted 3 days and where many spoke out for and against Wal-Mart locating here under former Mayor Rick Gibson, the public hearing on this item in 2007 saw no one speak on it and accordingly, if the BIA today is still concerned, instead of taking this up with the current City Council, they (BIA) should take it up with former City Councillors Judy O'Neill, Paul French, Jon Wolbers, Ed Mead and former Mayor Scott Nelson in addition to current Councillors Tom Barr and Surinderpal Rathor and let them know how they feel with their decision in 2007 for the Wal-Mart site and how that decision led to the current Development Permit being approved

* New Retirement Concepts rezoning proposals goes to public hearing on July 5th in WL Council Chambers at 7pm - see here

* TNG says "no consultation" took place on revised Prosperity Mine proposal - see here, here, and here

* Walt Cobb calls for Provincial Election in May of 2013, as currently scheduled - see here

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