Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WL Council Highlights - June 7th Meeting


Claudine Kadonaga —Salvation Army
Captain Claudine Kadonaga of the Salvation Army provided Council an update on the Food Bank. The Salvation Army will hold a fundraiser June 20 to raise needed capital funds.

Junior Council — Patrick Newsome and Talia Baptiste
Junior Councillors Patrick Newsome and Talia Baptiste provided an update on Junior Council’s recent activities.

Dr. Rudy Wassenaar — Accessibility Award of Merit
Mayor Cook and Council awarded Dr. Rudy Wassenaar an Accessibility Award of Merit for his work in improving accessibility at his dentist office, upon the recommendation of the Accessibility Committee.

Ron Malmas — Eradication of Polio Fundraiser
Ron Malmas, President of the Daybreak Rotary Club, invited Council to a fun family fundraiser at Boitanio Mall on June 18. In addition, Malmas and Club members named Mayor Kerry Cook a Paul Harris Fellow, a distinction bestowed on individuals who demonstrate “service above self" which that individual has offered to their community, their nation or to the world.

Regular Agenda

Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) 2011/2012 Community to Community Forum Application

Council approved an application to the Union of BC Municipalities 2011/2012 Community to Community Forum program in the amount of $2,400 for a facilitated workshop with the Williams Lake Indian Band regarding archaeological feature protection in the City. The purpose of the proposed workshop would be to identify areas of concern, a format for documenting known areas of risk and a process for advising developers of the need to protect archaeological features and the necessary assessments. The City and Williams Lake Indian Band would provide matching in-kind value in the form of staff resources and facility rental.

Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763 or

Traffic Signal Modifications at 3rd Avenue and Oliver Street

Council awarded the contract for supply and installation of the traffic signal light modifications at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Oliver Street to Michael's Electric HDD for the bid price of $123,117 (net HST).

Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766 or

Development Permit – 1185 Prosperity Way – Proposed Commercial Retail Building

After receiving public comments, Council approved Development Permit No. 02-2011 for construction of a new commercial retail building at 1185 Prosperity Way. The proposed commercial retail building will house six store fronts totaling 10,400 square feet and an additional 50 parking spaces. The access to the Platform Properties development will be off the existing internal access road leading into the Wal-Mart property and off Prosperity Way.

Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766 or

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2138 – Pine Tree Developments Ltd. - 11 Eagle Crescent

Council proceeded with the application to amend the City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825 to change the zoning of Lot 1 at 11 Eagle Crescent from Low Density Multiple Family Residential (R-3) to Single Family Residential (R-1) subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Council gave Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2138 second reading. The public hearing is scheduled July 5, 2011 at 7 p.m.

Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766 or

Zoning Amendment – Retirement Concepts Developments Ltd. – Phase 3 at 1455 Western Avenue

Council proceeded with the application from Retirement Concepts Developments Ltd. to amend the text of Zoning Bylaw No. 1825 Section 326N Comprehensive Development Zone 14 (CD-14) to include apartment uses, congregate housing use and parking requirements as they relate to the Phase 3 building of Retirement Concepts upon Lot 1, District Lot 72, Cariboo District, Plan BCP33540; and gave Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2135 second reading. A public hearing is scheduled for July 5, 2011 at 7 p.m.

Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766 or

Street Light Request – Pathway between City Hall, Glen Arbor, and Alley Katz Restaurant

Council received a letter from Shirley McKay regarding a request for additional street lights between City Hall, Glen Arbor and Alley Katz Restaurant and refer the request to the Parks, Trails and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan analysis for prioritization. Staff is not currently recommending adding lighting to this unrecognized trail and there are several other routes along well lit streets that
could be utilized which add minimal distance to the route. As part of the on-going development of the Parks, Trails and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan connecting pathways throughout the City will be analyzed and recommendations for upgrades to identified pathways will be recommended. Should this pathway be identified in that process as a priority, staff would bring a recommendation forward to City Council at a further date.

Contact: Geoff Paynton at 250-392-1786 or

Creating Our Future: City of Williams Lake Official Community Plan – Bylaw No. 2140

Following a public hearing, Council gave third reading to and adopted the Official Community Plan. The City has undertaken extensive public consultation for the past two years, through the Imagine Our Future –Integrated Community Sustainability Plan process, and then with the OCP, as the City works with residents to Create Our Future. The OCP serves as a foundation for all policies, regulations, and decisions pertaining to land use and development in a municipality. The Plan provides guidance for economic, environmental, physical design and development, and social considerations. It promotes quality of life, future growth, community development, economic, environmental and social well-being, provision of amenities and services, and transportation systems envisioned by the community. The OCP is intended to provide a degree of certainty for the future of our community. As a result, it is expected that revisions will not be made on a frequent basis but the Plan must be flexible in responding to changing conditions and values. This version of the OCP is expected to guide the City up to 2016. At that time, the Plan may be reviewed and updated as appropriate

Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763 or

Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee Appointments

Council brought forward In-Camera Report #03-2011, regarding appointments to the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee. Council had ratified the Williams Lake Joint Committee recommendation to appoint David Reedman and Steve Forseth be appointed to the Central Cariboo Recreation Commission for a two year term.

Contact: Geoff Paynton at 250-392-1786 or

Next WL Council Meeting: June 21, 2011 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers

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