Friday, July 29, 2011

1st Six Months Comparison for Travel Budgets for 2010 vs 2011 (City of WL)

Again, as a public service, let's look at where Williams Lake Mayor/Councillors were, with their travel budgets, for the first six months in 2010 vs 2011:

Jan 1st - June 30th 2010:

Mayor Cook - spent $5,467 of $10,600
Councillor Barr - spent $1,568 of $6,360
Councillor Bourdon - spent $457 of $5,560
Councillor Hebert (nee Montoya) - had a credit of $460 of her $5,560 budget
Councillor Rathor - $699 of $5,560
Councillor Walters - $663 of $5,560
Councillor Zacharias - spent none of her $5,560 budget

Total Spent to Date (Jan 1st - June 30th, 2010) - $8,204 of $44,760

Jan 1st - June 30th, 2011:

Mayor Cook spent $3,269 of $10,600
Councillor Barr spent $1,403 of $5,560
Councillor Bourdon spent $351 of $5,560
Councillor Rathor spent $3,228 of $5,560
Councillor Walters spent $0 of her $5,560 budget
Councillor Zacharias spent $0 of her $5,560 budget

Total Spent to Date (Jan 1st - June 30th, 2011) - $8,251 of $43,960

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