Friday, July 29, 2011

City of WL 2009 - 2011 Budgets (Updated)

In advance of the coming civic elections and as a public service, I'd thought I would post the Operational/Capital Budget numbers for years 2009 - 2011 and remind everyone who voted which way


One individual has asked me to post the budgets for 2004 -2008 for comparison sakes (2004 is the earliest budget document that is online) and the blog post has been amended to reflect years 2004-2011


Operations - $12,155,875.00
Capital - $7,761,055.00

Total Budget - $19,916,930

No member of Council opposed with a 0% tax increase


Operations - $12,804,257
Capital - $8,224,497

Total Budget - $21,028,754.00

No member of Council opposed with a 0% tax increase


Operations - $13,672,127
Capital - $10,857,623

Total Budget - $24,529,750

No member of Council opposed with a 2.1% tax increase


Operations - $13,986,922
Capital - $15,748,347

Total Budget - $29,735,269.00

No member of Council opposed with a 3.9% tax increase


Operations - $15,428,908
Capital - $12,838,746

Total Budget - $28,267,654

No member of Council opposed with a 3.9% tax increase


Operations - $16,358,353
Capital - $13,990,034

Total Budget of $30,348,387.00

Property Tax Increase of 2.5% which was supported by all WL Council members but Councillor SPS Rathor


Operations - $17,589,150
Capital - $13,850,235

Total Budget - $31,439,385.00

Property Tax Increase of 3.5% which was supported by all WL Council members but Councillor SPS Rathor


Operations - $18,327,640
Capital - $3,672,180

Total Budget - $21,999,820.00

Property Tax Increase of 3.0% which was supported by all WL Council members but Councillor SPS Rathor


  1. How about as a further public service you give us the numbers for the two terms before that?

  2. Would be interesting to see # of city residents correlated to these. hmm..

  3. Hi Tyler:

    Here's the City population by year

    2004 - 11,301
    2005 - 11,140
    2006 - 11,082
    2007 - 11,107
    2008 - 11,144
    2009 - 11,104
    2010 - 11,002
    2011 - 10,744

    Hope this helps


  4. Thanks for the stats! So 5 out of the last 7 years saw a DECREASE in population base? Obviously existing taxpayers are going to be carrying an increased burden from that aspect alone, but increased spending makes it even worse. I'm going to need coffee before trying to process this. (Especially on a day I learn we are planning to spend new money on an indoor turf facility...)

  5. Hi Tyler:

    Thanks for your comment...

    I should point out that the money for the indoor turf facility (business/concept plan) is not new money but already budgeting for

    However - if the question you are asking is - should we be doing this planning at a time of decreasing population numbers - then the answer is clearly no especially with a high long term debt load of $17.6 million in the City and any new long term debt invoked by the Regional District for recreation facilities like an Indoor Turf Facility/local Recreation Complex will be borne by both City Taxpayers and taxpayers living in fringe areas (bordering the City of WL) of CRD Electoral Areas D, E,F
