Friday, July 29, 2011

Williams Lake in Top 4 Communities at 11,000 Population for Highest Long-Term Debt Load

Recently - I ran into one individual who asked where does Williams Lake rank in the grand scheme of things, as far as long-term debt goes.  So, after doing some research, this is what I discovered:

Communities around 11,000 population and their long-term debt levels:

1) Resort Municipality of Whister - $40,394,713.00
2) District of Summerland - $28,538,327.00
3) City of Dawson Creek - $25,378,984.00
4) City of Williams Lake - $17,600,000.00
5) District of Lake Country- $11,645,000.00
6) City of Quesnel - $9,803,395.00
7) District of Sooke - $8,553,650.00
8) City of Terrace - $4,236,391.00
9) District of Coldstream - $4,089,985.81
10) City of Parksville - $3,717,311.00
11) Town of Sidney - $2,651,113.00

Now - given we are #4 of 11 for highest long-term debt for communities with 11,000 population and also given we are looking at a Indoor Turf Facility and what to do with the current Recreation Centre (both of these projects would be possibly borrowed under the CRD but Williams Lake taxpayers' would share in those costs ranging in the tens of millions if both did go ahead, in the future) and given the state of the local economy and the fact we need to start planning for a mill closure in the next 5-10 years - long term borrowing should come to a halt, save any borrowing necessary for an emergency.  We all need to look ourselves in the mirror and say to ourselves - Here is our wants and needs.  Wants are nice but there are things we absolutely must have.  Those "needs" would obviously include police/fire, garbage collection, water and sewer and finally basic recreation needs.  Beyond that - residents need to decide, and let their politicians know for the 2012 Budget Year (CRD, City of Williams Lake, City of Quesnel, Districts of 100 Mile House/Wells) what matters more - holding the line on taxes or reducing them or having it all - even at a greater cost to local taxpayers


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