Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Civic Elections in the Cariboo-Chilcotin

As most are likely aware by now - civic elections in the District of 100 Mile House and Wells, the Cities of Quesnel and Williams Lake, the Cariboo Regional District (Rural Directors for Areas A-L) and School Districts #27 and #28 are scheduled for November 19th, 2011 as per provincial law (Local Government Act and School Act)

As a public service - I'd like to remind the general public that all seats on the School Boards for District #27 (7 seats) and #28 (7 seats), the 12 Electoral Area Director seats on the Cariboo Regional District Board, the 5 seats on the District of 100 Mile House Municipal Council, the 7 seats on the City of Williams Lake Municipal Council, the 7 seats on the City of Quesnel Municipal Council, and the 5 seats of the District of Wells Muncipal Council are up for grabs.  If you feel that your elected representative (Municipal Councillor or Mayor, School Board Trustee or Regional District EA Director) is not representating you, this is your opportunity this fall to say "I can do better than the currently elected officials"

However - there is a time committment involved so to ensure you go in the different civic elections with "eyes wide open" and if you are starting to think about running for locally elected office, I strongly encourage you to contact your local elected officials about the commitment (time and otherwise) that you'll have to give to your local muncipal council, regional district board, or school board before you officially throw your name into the ring this fall:

For District of Wells Municipal Council:

Contact Mayor Jay Vermette and Councillors Judy Campbell, Aleta Wallace, Virginia Wilkins and Richard Wright at (250)-994-3330 or via email at

For City of Quesnel Municipal Council:

Contact Mayor Mary Sjostrom at (250) - 747-2924 (home), (250) - 991-7477 (Quesnel City Hall) or

For the Quesnel City Councillors:

Coralee Oakes - email her at
Mike Cave - email him at or call him at (250) - 316-0536
Peter Couldwell - contact him at (250) - 249-5364
Ron Paull - email him at or contact him at (250) - 992-8994
L-A Roodenburg - email her at or contact her at (250) - 255-2407
Sushil Thapar - email him at or contact him at (250) - 992-5494

For School Board #28 (Quesnel):

Contact Trustee Caroline Neilsen here
Contact Trustee David Chapman here
Contact Trustee Tony Goulet here (SD #28 Board Vice-Chair)
Contact Trustee Gloria Jackson here
Contact Trustee Caroline Mitchell here (SD #28 Board Chair)
Contact Trustee George Natalizio here (Dream of Fields Committee Chair)
Contact Trustee Ron Caskey here

For School Board #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin):

Contact Will Van Osch (Zone 1 Trustee) at (email) or by phone at (250) - 305-7985
Contact Pete Penner (Zone 2 Trustee) at (email) or by phone at (250) - 791-6302
Contact Patricia Baker (Zone 3 Trustee) at or by phone at (250) - 305-7983
Contact Heather McKenzie (Zone 4 Trustee) at or by phone at (250) - 305-4709
Contact Wayne Rodier (Zone 5 Trustee and SD #27 Board Chair) at or by phone at (250) - 305-7981
Contact Bruce Mack (Zone 6 Trustee and SD #27 Board Vice-Chair) at or by phone at (250) - 305-7984
Contact Richard Elliott (Zone 7 Trustee) at or by phone at (250) - 267-6422

For the City of Williams Lake Muncipal Council:

Contact Kerry Cook, Mayor at or

For Williams Lake City Councillors - contact them as follows:

Tom Barr via email at
Geoff Bourdon via email at
Surinderpal Rathor via email at or at home - (250) - 398-5222
Laurie Walters via email at
Sue Zacharias via email at

For the District of 100 Mile House Muncipal Council:

Contact Mayor Mitch Campsall at

For the District of 100 Mile Councillors Dave Mingo, Bill Hadden, Mel Torgerson, Jeanne Best - leave them a message at the District's Office by phone at (250) - 395-2434 or via email at

For the CRD Board - Electoral Area Directors:

Area 'A' - Contact Ted Armstrong (CRD Board Vice-Chair/TAC Chair) via email at
Area 'B' - Contact Roberta Faust via email at
Area 'C' - Contact John Massier via email at
Area 'D' - Contact Deb Bischoff (CRD Library Chair) via email at or by phone at (250) - 989-1515
Area 'E' - Contact Steve Mazur (CRD Communications Chair) via email at
Area 'F' - Contact Joan Sorley via email at
Area 'G' - Contact Al Richmond (CRD Board Chair) via email at or via phone at (250) - 395-0841
Area 'H' - Contact Art Dumaresq (CRD Finance Committee Chair) at
Area 'I' - Contact Jim Glassford via email at
Area 'J' - Contact Alex Bracewell via email at
Area 'K' - Contact Rick Mumford (local Hospital Board Chair) via email at
Area 'L' - Contact Bruce Rattray (CRD Policy and Procedures Committee Chair) at or by phone at (250) - 593-9359

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