Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Master Site Plan for Cariboo Memorial Hospital

From Welcome to Williams Lake:

Editor's Note - There will be an Open House on Monday, July 18th from 4pm to 8pm in Deni House's Education Room (1st Floor).  Following that - a model will be available for physicians, hopsital staff, patients and visitors to view in the Cariboo Memorial Hospital's Main Floor Lobby Area from Tuesday, July 19th to Friday, July 22nd

View the Master Site Plan for Cariboo Memorial Hospital and Health Center here (Please note - this is a 22 MB file so high speed Internet Access is highly recommended. 

Interior Health is pleased to announce that after extensive consultation the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Master Site Plan is now complete, providing a clear vision and road map to guide future hospital development.

“The master site plan shows our commitment to delivering the best care possible at Cariboo Memorial and takes into account a number of viewpoints,” said Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett. “The plan will accommodate future growth in the Williams Lake area by planning for future inpatient needs, as well as updating the emergency department and pharmacy.”

Stakeholder collaboration occurred throughout the last year in order to establish the final Master Site Plan. Staff and physicians, as well as the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) and the City of Williams Lake, were among those who provided input. The Master Site Plan reflects anticipated program needs and demographics for the next 15 years and into the future. The master planning process for CMH was funded by the Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District.

“The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District is proud to have provided the funding to help shape and improve the future of Health Care for the residents of the Cariboo Chilcotin,” stated CCRHD Chair Rick Mumford. “This plan is truly reflective of the input from our stakeholders, which will provide for the development of a facility that will continue to serve our region well into the future.”

Initially planners will be proposing a new one-storey Inpatient Unit and addressing the need to expand and redesign Emergency and Ambulatory Care. They will also look at proposing a new build for Pharmacy, redesign and expansion of priority clinical support services, and the creation of a new parking lot for staff and visitors.

Another key aspect of the master plan is improvements to access and circulation throughout the site through thoughtful redesign of public and clinical spaces.

“We recognize that the demand for health care services within Williams Lake and the region it serves will continue to grow, and we need to be prepared to meet this increasing demand. This visionary document reflects a long term look at planning needs for 15 years and beyond,” says Interior Health Board Chair Norman Embree.

The next step involves developing the scope of work that would be involved in capital projects to address these key priority areas, to be submitted as part of Interior Health’s capital budgeting process.

“Through consultation with our physicians, staff and community stakeholders we have identified some clear priorities,” says Cariboo Memorial Hospital Administrator Allison Ruault. “I encourage everyone in the community to come by the hospital next week to view a model and learn more about our vision for the future of acute care in the Cariboo Chilcotin.”

All residents of Williams Lake and neighbouring communities served by Cariboo Memorial are invited to attend an open house July 18, 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. to learn more about the future vision for the hospital. The open house will occur in the Deni House Education Room (First Floor, Deni House, located across from CMH’s main entrance). Following the open house, a model will be on display in the main floor lobby area of Cariboo Memorial for staff, physicians, patients and visitors to view from July 19 through 22.

What are the highlights of the Master Site Plan?

The CMH Master Plan design proposes:

creation of a single new 32 / 34 bed Medical / Surgical Inpatient Unit located on grade at the current parking level (to replace existing inpatient unit, as well as build capacity for the future);

con­struction of a two-level clinical expansion of the existing CMH facility to the southwest. The significant phase of this growth provides area for (among other things) Emergency, Diagnostic Imaging and Renal programs, Pharmacy relocation/expansion and a consolidated Loading/Stores/Morgue area;

construction of a new entry lobby;small western expansion of the existing facility to accommodate an outpatient / staff entry; preservation and reprogramming of portions of Deni House;

creation of a consolidated Ambulatory Care / Outpatient cluster; construction of a surface parking pad located immediately south and west of the existing Nurse’s Residence; also, proposal of parking solutions that include short-term surface solutions and options for structured parking in the future.

What are the next steps?

Initially planners will be developing an internal business case around key priority areas in order to have them included for consideration in Interior Health’s capital budgeting process. They include:

· a new one-storey build of an Inpatient Unit (IPU)

· expansion/redesign opportunities for Emergency and Ambulatory Care services

· a new build for Pharmacy

· consideration to redesign and expansion of priority clinical support services

· surface parking

What will the new construction and renovations cost?

· We won’t know until we have a more detailed design concept proposal, which is a future step in the capital planning process.

When will the new replacement inpatient unit be built?

· It is important to remember that this is a long term plan, and the capital approval process has many steps.

· The next step involves developing the scope of work that would be involved with this project in order for them to be considered in Interior Health’s capital planning process. We will provide further updates as the process moves forward.

What does the plan suggest regarding Deni House?

· Deni House residential care facility and the Nurse’s Residence would remain in their current locations. Deni House would accommodate Community Care programming on the ground level. Nurse’s Residence would remain as cur­rently programmed.

What is the impact to other neighbours?

There is no immediate impact to our off-site neighbours, and Interior Health is committed to providing updates to all stakeholders, including neighbors, as we move forward.

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