Saturday, July 9, 2011

Past Week's Poll Question - Station House Gallery move

This past week - I asked my blog readers' the following poll question:

Do you support the City of WL reapplying for a "Towns for Tomorrow" Grant by October to move the Station House Gallery to the corner lot at 4th Avenue and Borland St?

9 people said they do, 6 said they do not and 1 said it didn't matter

Thanks to all who chose to participate in the poll question.  An interesting response which tells me that although a majority support the act of the City to reapply, an close to equal amount think the City should re-think its' move of the Station House Gallery

I don't think that there is anyone who says we should not move the Station House Gallery at all but the community needs to have a report that lays out all the options for a Station House Gallery move and not just one and hear what the public thinks is the best site location and then let's get on with moving it

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