Saturday, July 9, 2011

BC Gov't maintains support for Arts Sector

The BC Arts Council received $16,831,000 from the provincial government to help fund artists and cultural organizations in British Columbia for April 1st 2011 to March 31st, 2012.

Arts groups large and small apply to the BC Arts Council – an independent agency of the Province – to support opportunities for artists, strengthen local economies and enhance quality of life for citizens in communities across British Columbia.

This year’s funding will benefit artists, major cultural organizations and institutions, as well as local community arts councils. British Columbia’s diverse and robust arts scene draws significant support annually from the BC Arts Council for art galleries, theatres, orchestras, museums, festivals and more.


Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Hon. Ida Chong –

“Arts in British Columbia enrich families and support careers, while infusing creative and economic energy into communities in every region of the province. We will continue to work with artists and cultural organizations through the BC Arts Council, our principal development and funding agency for the arts, to build on British Columbia’s well-deserved international reputation for artistic excellence.”

BC Arts Council chair Stan Hamilton –

“On behalf of the board we thank the minister for this support – the second-highest level in the council’s history. The funding is the key to ensuring the long-term health of B.C.’s creative sector. It means that council can continue to provide a high level of service to our clients. These resources allow council to take the strategic steps to ensure the arts in this province will grow and thrive over the long term.”

Quick Facts:

· BC Art Council’s $16.831 million 2011-12 budget consists of:

o $7.931 million from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.
o $2.150 million from the BC150 Cultural Fund (a $150-million interest-generating endowment fund).
o $6.75 million from the 2010 Sport and Arts Legacy.

· Total arts and culture support from the B.C. government exceeds half a billion dollars over the last decade.

· From 2001 until March 31, 2011, the BC Arts Council granted $152 million to artists and cultural organizations in British Columbia.

· B.C.’s creative sector employs more than 78,000 people and contributes $5.2 billion to our provincial economy.


By restoring core funding for the BC Arts Council this year to 2008-09 levels, the Province is standing by a government recommendation and a commitment from Premier Christy Clark to make funding of the arts a high priority in British Columbia.

In 2011, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services recommended a return to funding levels in 2008-09 for the arts. This year’s $16,831,000 in BC Arts Council funding is only $20,000 below the Province’s core funding for council in 2008-09.

Recent fiscal years reflect the stability of provincial government funding for the BC Arts Council.

Provincial government support for the BC Arts Council:

2008-09 funding - $16,851,000 (April 1, 2008 to March 31st, 2009)
2009-2010 funding - $11,593,000 plus an additional $7 million in one-time supplemental funding from the previous year. (April 1st, 2009 to March 31st, 2010)
2010-11 funding - $16,831,000 (April 1st, 2010 to March 31st, 2011)
2011-12 funding - $16,831,000 (April 1st, 2011 to March 31st, 2012)

The BC Arts Council awards funding to over 1,000 recipients annually across British Columbia. Council funding supports many of British Columbia’s key cultural organizations and events. Recipients include the Vancouver Art Gallery, Prince George Symphony, Alert Bay U’mista Cultural Centre, Fort St. James Community Arts Council, ArtsBC and Pacific Opera Victoria.

The funding benefits diverse organizations and individual artists working in visual arts, literary arts, theatre, dance, film, music and more.

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