Monday, July 25, 2011

PG City Council decides to proceed with Censure Motion against PG City Clr Skakun

At a meeting of Prince George City Council tonight - they voted to proceed to a hearing on a censure motion against PG City Councillor Brian Skakun after receiving a report from PG Mayor Dan Rogers and after hearing from Councillor Skakun's legal counsel.  It should be noted that Councillor Skakun left PG City Council Chambers during the discussion on this item, at the advice of his legal counsel. 

See the Opinion story here and the Prince George Citizen story here

It should be also noted, contrary to PG City Councillor Murry Krause's comments that this censure motion was the 1st in BC - in fact, it would be the 4th censure motion considered by local governments in BC during this term (2005-2008) of local government but the 1st in Prince George Council history

As well - PG City Council has agreed to consider this censure motion not later than September 14th

Finally - Interesting that, unlike the Township of Langley and the Cities of Fort St John and Quesnel who dealt with censure motions behind closed doors and then ratified in public, PG Council chose to debate the whole series of issues, relating to a possible censure motion, in public.  I wonder as well what impact that this will have on the PG City Council election in November, especially for both Councillor Brian Skakun and Mayor Dan Rogers

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