Monday, July 25, 2011

Dangerous Weapon Bylaw and Impact on Business

On July 12th at a WL Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting  - Council considered a report from the City of WL's CAO on the possibility of a "Dangerous Weapons" Bylaw.   See that report here. 

This recommendation to proceed investigating adopting a Dangerous Weapons Bylaw in the City of Williams Lake was approved at the July 19th WL Council meeting.  Both Councillor Barr and Rathor made mention of a video presented to them, on July 19th, at the July 12th COW meeting, except there is no reference to that presentation in the July 12th COW Minutes, which you can read here

Since then - several individuals I have ran into have stated that businesses that would be impacted by a Dangerous Weapons Bylaw are not thrilled with how this was proceeded with.  One question I have already is the effectiveness of passing a dangerous weapon bylaw to regulate the sale of machetes and bear spray when someone can just drive somewhere else to get these weapons

Also - there is no direct evidence to suggest that either Mayor Cook, the local RCMP or City Staff approached businesses that might be impacted by this bylaw and get their input other than the CAO saying in his report to WL Council, at the July 12th COW Meeting:

It is recognized that some retailers have taken it upon themselves to stop selling some of these items or at least limiting access to these items and/or using discretion in who they sell them to.

It is truly sad and disappointing that Mayor Cook (who ran on Crime in the last civic election) or even Councillor Tom Barr, as head of Council's General Governance Committee, where Crime issues are considered by this Committee, did not try to either intervene, by getting business input, either before July 12th or even make an invitation to any business that would be affected by the adoption of a Dangerous Weapon Bylaw to make a presentation to the July 12th COW meeting before Williams Lake Council made a decision to proceed or not on a Dangerous Weapon Bylaw and tells of a bigger problem with this Council that they don't understand process and how it relates to good government for the people of Williams Lake, whether it's the Dangerous Weapons Bylaw, the upcoming amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to regulate shipping containers, regulate parking on boulevards, or even the False Alarm Bylaw



  1. You ever think council might have to agree to proceed on the idea before they can hold public consultation?
    If business owners need to sell this stuff to make ends meet, I'd be surprised. Why not ask business to do something small to help fight crime. So what if people have to drive to get weapons?
    How about let's not do anything at all to stop crime, just say, "Oh it won't make much difference, so let's not bother."
    That's a disgusting attitude. Businesses in this town should support this 100%. They know when they sell bear spray to a young person is this town it will be used in a crime. And who needs a machete, period?
    That's just irresponsible.
    You notice how council lately is passing bylaws to make people more responsible? It's sad they have to do that because people won't be responsible on their own.
    The RCMP asked for this. They fight crime for a living. Obviously they think it could help.
    You get a job yet Steve? Or are you too busy quarterbacking from your armchair?

  2. Thanks for your comment

    I would merely point out that again - it is better to be frank and upfront with regulatory bylaws and businesses that may be impacted, rather than telling them after they've read or heard about it in the media. Also - I don't believe it would be a bad thing if WL Council signaled its' intention to business affected by a regulatory bylaw and invite them to make a presentation *before* Council makes a decision to proceed on a regulatory bylaw

    And for the record - Yes, I do work, but I also set time aside to be an active player in the local political scene as well

    Finally - it is my humble judgement that this bylaw, if passed, will be ineffective, as someone will find a way to get around it because the City CAO has already stated that it will be complaint driven which means no complaint = status-quo. Also - if the "Dangerous Weapons" Bylaw is here, you merely have to get around it by going to another community, which there are many, that doesn't have a Dangerous Weapons Bylaw. Also - will Council ban the sale of baseball bats, pencils, etc because they "might" be used as a weapon.

    Common sense should always rule over regulating everything and everyone. We've seen this before -

    In the 90s - the BC NDP regulated everything and everyone. When the BC Liberals came along - they said where common sense kicks in - the regulations would be killed

  3. Too bad the Liebral agenda has done nothing but offload corporate costs to the working and low incomes, allowed for Judges like Leask to let countless hells angels off, allowed for a highway (bc ferries) to be operated for profit and gouge travellers, and ....hell im running out of breath the list is so long.

    Lies Lies Lies, great title for a GNR album, the liberal mandate, and your slanted laise faire view on life.
