Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Provincial News Wrap - July 26th edition

In Williams Lake:

* Miss Canada International Anna Dell meets with the public, after her win - see here
* Local Provincial NDP Riding Assoc holds nomination meeting on Wednesday, July 27th at the Longhouse - meeting open to the public at 6:30pm - see here.  The meeting is to confirm Charlie Wyse as the NDP Candidate for Cariboo-Chilcotin in the next provincial election, whenever it comes
* Man assaulted in Boitanio Park on July 18th and RCMP asks for police help - see here
* Local 7-11 robbed on this past Saturday - see here
* Federal Environmental Assessment Office faces budget/staff cuts - see here
* Think-tank in Smithers, BC looks like Provncial/Federal Environmental Review Processes, as they relate to the failed Prosperity Mine bid - see here
* Total expenses for local MLA's in 2010-2011 Fiscal Year released - see here
* Columnist Diana French looks like crime issues - both at a local and international level - see here
* MLA Donna Barnett reviews her time at the "Alexis Creek Daze" - see here
* Lots of letters to the editor: one from myself on fluoride education (see here), one from Micheal Jones on crime and WL Mayor Kerry Cook (see here), and one from a previous Donna Barnett supporter on the HST and dishonesty (see here)

In Kamloops:

* Newly adopted Metro Vancouver Solid Waste Management Plan will be a body-blow to the Village of Cache Creek - see here
* Fight HST Lead Organizer for the current HST Referendum Chris Delainey expresses his confidence that the voters' of BC will vote to kill the HST by August 5th (last date to vote in the HST Referendum) - see here

In Vancouver:

* Global TV Victoria bureau chief Keith Baldrey looks at the 2 cent gas tax hike and the impact on both municipal and provincial politics - see here
* Province political columnist Mike Smyth looks at yesterday's announcement by Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton to take time off to fight a new cancer - see here

Also - the Winnipeg Free Press is citing a APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network) Report that Ottawa is set to table a "take it or leave it" offer with Canada's First Nations, with regard to land claims.  See here.  If this report turns out to be true - then it may signal the beginning of a fight between Canada's First Nations and Ottawa and we, as a country, province and region, need to signal compromise, rather than "drawing the line in the sand" if we have any hope of prospering as, again, a country, province and region

Update - Globe and Mail reports on this story here

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