Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bourdon v Rathor re: Fire Hall Budget Overrun & New Internal Control Policy

At last night's WL Council meeting - Council approved a Committee of the Whole recommendation which saw Council adopt a new Internal Finance Control Policy (see that here), but before it was adopted, Councillors Geoff Bourdon and Surinderpal Rathor decided to re-open a "can of worms" called the "Fire Hall Budget Overrun" - see the 2:20 video below between Councillors Bourdon and Rathor, with slight interjections at the end between Councillor Tom Barr and Mayor Kerry Cook

I'll let each blog reader decide for themselves who was in the right and who was wrong in their statements.  I suspect that the Fire Hall Budget Overrun will be one of many issues that will be debated in public prior to the public deciding on who will form the 2011-2014 Williams Lake Municipal Council


  1. once again Surrinder is speaking about things he knows nothing about and got OWNED both by Councillor Bourdon and Councillor Barr. Albeit, Bourdon was a bit more classy in his response, but Barr hit the nail on the head. Time for Rathor to go.

    Hey Stevie, why dont you make that a pole?

    " How many people think Councillor Rathor shouldnt be elected to another term"

    1 vote hell no

  2. I'm another no. Steve, if 10 people agree, does that mean you think he's in trouble getting re-elected? That's what you've concluded from your polls before.

  3. Thanks for your comment...

    As for your suggestion - that poll idea is already on the books, once the official election list for City Councillors is published. The poll question will be:

    "Which individual(s) will you be supporting for City Councillor(s) for the 2011-2014 Term?"

    That poll question will be available for voting in late October, once the official list is published by Cindy Bouchard - City of WL Chief Election Officer

  4. That wasnt the question Steve, has nothing to do with ANY OTHER COUNCILLOR.....the question should read " do you think RATHOR should be re-elected" ... plain and simple.

  5. Anonymous at 9:18am...

    If you just calm down - you'll get your chance to vote on the City Councillors you wish to be elected in the poll question I'll be doing this fall, but this blog will NOT be doing a poll question on one individual - whether that is Councillor Rathor or Barr or Bourdon or any other individual running for WL City Councillor. Again, I repeat - you will get your chance to vote on which invidual(s) should be sitting on the 2011-2014 WL City Council as Councillors


  6. I don't care about all that - my question is why you think it's OK to steal Shaw's video property.

  7. but thats the point steve, you will put polls out about Kerry (individual) but you wont about others.....

  8. So how about the stealing of Shaw's video?

  9. Anonymous at 10:32am...

    I didn't steal it but copied it off the Community Channel and "chopped up" the piece I wanted to use... no different that quoting other media sources...I hope you aren't suggesting that I can't quote the Tribune or Advisor or "Welcome to Williams Lake", with regard to stories they run

    No - I don't apologize for using other media sources to start a debate on local matters. Sorry that you feel the way you do...

  10. NOTdoingBUSINESStillSHESoutWednesday, August 31, 2011 10:41:00 AM

    Its my understanding that Shaw did not continue their contract for community broadcasting........

    Furthermore, go join a cook squad! Clearly Steve is doing the best NOT to be bias, but the facts are the truths...and Rathor is right, nobody wants to take any responsibilty for the over-runs of the fire hall, but it was staff....and the in-efficient way they managed the project. And YES, it is Mayor and council's responsibilty to make sure that staff is doing their job as per their contract!
    My suggestion to you Mr. Anonymous is start your own blog, so we can copare notes beween your obvious support of Mayor Cook and our obvious support for a Real MAYOR!

  11. i was wondering when Mr. Nelson was going to start posting.

  12. Yeah, you're not paying attention. Cook took PERSONAL responsibility for the fire hall, even though she didn't start the project or commit to the cost. She had the integrity not to blame staff when it was Liberty that messed it all up. Obviously you wouldn't think Steve had a bias. you agree with with anti-Cook agenda and lies and false information.

  13. NOTdoingBUSINESStill SHESout!Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:17:00 AM

    I take that as a compliment!

    I am not Scott, I am a business person who has seen FIRST HAND, the absolute "NO, transparency" That Cook has tried to declare she has with her city.

    I have seen how the "high school bullies" run the city.

    I have seen CAO say (paraphrasing)"I will no longer stick my neck out for projects, thats how you get padded budgets" This was said at the 2011 budgett meeting, and I'm telling you, if I heard this comment come out of my CAO's mouth while I was Mayor, I would have physically tackled him and drug him out of chambers by his ear. WHAT DO WE PAY YOU 140K+++++ FOR THEN!!!

    I have caught Cook in lies all recorded on tape

    I have sworn affidavids of ppl that were supposed to go along with her high school bully plan, which have flipped now, and now know that being a conspirator criminal is not something they want on their resume.

    I have seen the other things that will demand anwsers when she bids for another term. I would hate to give the heads up, like I have so graciously have in the past!

    You dont have to like me, or what I have to say, but DO NOT MIS-UNDERSTAND me!

    Dont mistake my support for another Mayor/council for My ignorance for this one!

  14. Ahhhh ElxxE, nice to see you on here......

    You do know anything taped without a warrant or without the persons knowledge is inadmissible right?

    And you also know the definitions, therefore, found under Sections 266 of the Criminal Code? Just checking because i have seen your performances in council and id be embarassed.

  15. notDOINGbusinessTILLshesGONEWednesday, August 31, 2011 12:09:00 PM

    Wrong again!!

    They new they were being recorded.
    So, I suppose in your opinion...then.... if they are lieing with out being caught, its okay.......thats why they are closed door meetings? AWH...transparency.....yes use that as your platform as well......

    Now you are in an arena that you have NO place being in.

    And if you are speaking of Elsie, in that context. Shame on YOU! Regardless of her passion, she is an iconic business women, that was forced to shut her business down, because of safety reasons!

    Respect your elders, and stop trying to educate me on the criminal code. I dont need your help, but clearly you will need mine :)

    Define this: Humility

  16. Will this be kind of like the whole Candi what's her face controversy?? What a load of bunk that turned out to be....she and her fellow conspirators ended up looking really stupid in that whole deal.
    Good luck getting another job after that.

  17. Humility (verb)

    (1)To get off your soapbox.
    (2)To not believe every ridiculous conspiracy theory.
    (3)To accept that respect comes with actions, not with age.

    I got it from the Wikipedia site, but its published so it must be right, right?

    And i guess with all this "damning" evidence you will more than gladly publish all this legitimate material for all to see and make judgement....

  18. Been quiet here for a bit, guess you had nothing to post....let alone bring to the legitimate news sites to bring down the tyrant
