Tuesday, August 30, 2011

WL Council Highlights - August 30th meeting


Mayor Cook and Councillors’ Barr, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Pat Higgins – Director of Finance/Acting CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Chris Hutton – Planning Technician
Jeff Bernardy – Engineering Technician
Anne Burill – Manager of Social Development
Geoff Paynton – Director of Community Services
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung – IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of July 19th WL Council meeting adopted


1) Council received a report from the City’s CAO with an attached letter from Madeleine Maley (Acting Regional Executive Director for Southern Area – Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Ops) re: Joint Invitation to City of WL/WL Indian Band for a Community Forest License – 40,000 cubic metres

2) Council received a revised schedule of Council Committee appointments, in light of the resignation of former WL City Councillor Natalie Hebert

3) Council received the 2011 – 6 month Interim Financial Statement for the period ending June 30th, 2011

4) After receiving no public comments – Council approved Development Permit #3-2011 (Paul Sangha – Best Western Hotel)

5) Council gave 2nd Reading to an amended Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2133 (Regulating Shipping Containers)

6) Council approved the extension of sanitary sewer from Eagle Crescent to accommodate future Woodland Drive improvements at a total cost of $36,000. Council also authorized entering into a cost-sharing agreement with Pinetree Developments for a portion of the sanitary system, the City's share being $7,250.

7) Council awarded South Lakeside Drive Widening engineering design to TRUE Consulting Group for the amount of approximately $19,000

8) Council received applications for Development Permit #5-2011 and Development Variance Permit #7-2011 (Dog and Suds’ Restaurant) and referred them to the Advisory Planning Commission for consideration. This matter will be considered next by WL Council at its’ September 13th, 2011 meeting

9) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Sign Amendment Bylaw No. 2145 (Accommodation of Parapets/Parapet Wall)

10) Council ratified the following email polls:

a) Approval for Mural on Central Cariboo Arts Centre Building Wall facing Borland St
b) Approval to apply to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Real Estate Foundation of BC for a grant to complete a housing need and demand study for Williams Lake and surrounding area

11) Council approved a change to the Heritage Committee Terms of Reference to allow for the appointment of seven members of the community

12) Council awarded a three (3) year lease to operate the food concession at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Karen's Place Holdings

13) Council awarded a five (5) year contract to Blackstock Ventures Ltd. to furnish, install and maintain four (4) vending machines for the bid price of 0% commission

14) Council adopted Bylaws #2143/2144 (Noise and Nuisance Amendment Bylaws)

15) The following Committee of the Whole recommendations were adopted:

a) Parks, Trails and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan completed by Stantec Consultants was adopted and the Master Plan was referred to the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee for their information
b) A Policy regarding Internal Control Over Financial Management and Financial Reporting was approved
c) Council received the draft Permissive Tax Exemption Policy and Staff were asked to organize public consultation with the current recipients of permissive tax exemptions
d) A Report on the role and function of social planning for the City of Williams Lake was received and Staff were directed to create a Social Development Strategy with input from the community regarding activities and priorities.
e) A letter from the Royal Canadian Legion dated June 16, 2011 regarding a request for an increase in their permissive tax exemption be received and was referred to the 2012 budget process
f) Council approved the design for a new Rick Hansen monument to be located at the Tourism Discovery Centre, and Staff were asked to approach the community for donation

16) Council proclaimed the following:
a) September 15th as “National Family Dinner Night”. Staff were also asked to provide a letter of support for this community based initiative
b) September 26th to October 1st – Celebrate Life Week
c) November 13th to 20th – Restorative Justice Week

17) Council received the “Council Information Package” dated August 30th as follows:

a) June 26, 2011 – Letter from British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization re MSP Premiums for Seniors - (note - Mayor Cook indicates that this item will come forward for debate at the September 13th WL Council meeting)
b) June 30, 2011 - Letter from District of West Kelowna to Premier Clark
c) July 20, 2011 - Letter from BC Hydro re UBCM Convention (meeting requests)
d) July 25, 2011 - Letter from Cariboo Chilcotin Aboriginal Training Employment Centre
e) July 25, 2011 - Letter re Gas Tax Agreement Community Works Fund Payment
f) July 27, 2011 - Letter from WL Central Business Improvement Area re WLCBIA President Resignation
g) August 4, 2011 - UBCM Executive Release
h) August 4, 2011 - Spanish Mountain Gold - Update on Environmental Assessment, Permit Progress and Project Scope
i) August 4, 2011 - UBCM Release re Survey Results on the Public Health Act & Relationships between Local Governments & Health Authorities
j) August 22, 2011 - CRD Solid Waste Management Plan
k) August 26, 2011 - Release from Taseko Mines re Prosperity Project
l) No Date - Letter from Ministry of Health re Creating an Age-Friendly Business in BC

Meeting adjourned at 7:27pm and reconvened In-Camera (Section 90(1)(b) of the Community Charter)

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