Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Quesnel Community EDC reviews their ongoing work

Quesnel Community Economic Development Corporation or QCEDC reviews their on-going work at their blog here

While I applaud the QCEDC for their hard work to attract provincial/federal government dollars and other investments to Quesnel, I, as a Williams Lake resident, am disappointed with the little or no work our local Economic Development Corporation and WL Council as done on the Economic Development front.  Sure - some bike trails and related work has been done and plenty of work on Arts and Culture but again - where is the work to create job s for youth or someone who has to support a family.  As WL City Councillor Walters noted in December of 2008 at the inaugural meeting of the 2008-2011 WL Council - The last Council has left us with $50 million in development opportunities.  I'd like to ask her - where did that $50 million in development opportunities go??


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