Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Quesnel Council Highlights - August 15th meeting

Quarterly update reviewed

Council received a budget review ending June 30. It is too early in the year to review operational spending on a line-by-line basis. Generally speaking, however, operational spending is in line with budgets. In addition, capital spending is also on track. A few key variances were highlighted for Council's attention.

The City received $30,000 less in franchise fees from FortisBC.
RCMP force billing is underspent by $100,000.

Due to heavy snowfall last winter, the snowfall budget has been used. (Council will likely have to allocate funds to the snowfall budget from another source later in the year.)

Emergency training planned

The City, in partnership with a large number of stakeholders, will conduct an emergency planning exercise on the morning of Friday Sept. 23. The Quesnel Regional Airport is regulated by Transport Canada and must conduct a full-scale emergency exercise once every five years to test the emergency response plan. The scenario will involve a downed aircraft at the top of Dragon Lake Hill near the FortisBC pumping station. There will be many emergency response vehicles at the scene on that day, but residents need not worry as it will just be an exercise.

Council allocates grant funding

Every year the City receives small community and traffic fine grants to help offset operational costs. The City received more in 2011 than expected as the province "front-loaded" the grants. It is expected the revenues will be smaller for 2012 and 2013. Rather than allocating all the grant funding to 2011, Council opted to allocate the extra $50,000 into the 2012 and 2013 budget years ($25,000 in each year).

Bylaw review ongoing

The City's ongoing review of its bylaws continues. At last night's meeting, Council:

Began the process of repealing the Village of Quesnel Sanitary Regulations By-law No. 100 of 1950. This was a housekeeping matter, as the provisions were either out of date or  covered in other legislation or City bylaws.

Provided the first three readings for a number of amendments to the City's Building Bylaw 1550. The changes involve a number of housekeeping amendments to improve harmonization with governing legislation, the City's Master Fees Bylaw and text changes to improve clarity.

Rescinded a policy on response to automated fire alarms, as provisions for these responses have been made under Section 12 of the City's recently adopted Fire Protection, Prevention and Emergency Services Bylaw No. 1685.    

Other news

The Miss Quesnel Self Development Program was well represented Monday evening. The new royalty, Miss Quesnel, Jadyn Koldeweihe, and Princesses Mickaela Ezowski and Victoria Lefebvre were welcomed to their role as community ambassadors for the coming year. Council also thanked the outgoing royalty, Miss Quesnel, Lauren Perdue and Princesses Tanis Petrin and Daveen Panasar for their good work. Lastly, Council recognized program co-ordinator Liz Miller for her tireless efforts in organizing and promoting the Miss Quesnel program.

Council also thanked long-time School Board Trustee and Chair Caroline Nielsen for her commitment to the community. Nielsen is moving to be closer to family.

Council approved the City entering a five-year lease renewal for the Hudson's Bay Company building with the Quesnel Crafters Society. The annual rental rate increases by 2% each year in years two through five of the agreement, with the total value of the agreement $45,700.

Important Dates

August 26 to 28 - Prospectors Car Club Annual Show & Shine September 18 - 31st Annual Terry Fox Run - 9 a.m. registration in LeBourdais Park

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting:
Monday August 22, 7 p.m.

Next Delegation Meeting:
Monday August 29, 7 p.m.

Next Regular Council Meeting: 
Tuesday September 6, 7 p.m.

Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
Tuesday September 13 - 5:30 p.m.

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