Wednesday, September 21, 2011

100 Mile News...

In the 100 Mile Free Press today:

* CRD Area Directors' Al Richmond (Area 'G') and Bruce Rattray (Area 'L') both will be seeking re-election, while Area 'H' Director Art Dumaresq will retire when his term expires on November 30th - see here

Editor's Note - With CRD Directors Steve Mazur (Area 'E'), Rick Mumford (Area 'K') and Art Dumaresq (Area 'H') now bowing out of local government on November 30th, only Area 'B' Director Roberta Faust has yet to decide to seek re-election as CRD Directors for Areas A, C, D, F, I, J have already confirmed their intentions to seek re-election

* More on Maureen Pinkey (former CRD Area 'L' Director from 2002-2008) seeking the Mayor's job in 100 Mile - see here

* 100 Mile Council getting frustrated with lack of care beds - see here
* 100 Mile schools' feeling pinch as teachers' not allowed to fundraise for their local school - see here
* North Green Lake/Watch Lake residents must pay their annual fire department fees, otherwise they may not get fire protection services - see here
* BC Conservatives' Regional Director Alan Forseth questions debt-management skills of BC Liberals - see here

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