Wednesday, September 21, 2011

St Laurent Project - Sept 20 Update

From the City of Quesnel website:

St. Laurent Revitalization

News and updates:
September 20
• The project is about two weeks ahead of schedule.
• Curb and gutters including landscape curbs have been installed.
• All concrete sidewalks including tie-ins to shops are complete.
• The storm water system is complete.
• Paving stones at the intersections are about 60% complete.
• Shrubs and trees for the planters are on site.
• Road base work for asphalt paving is about 70% complete.
The following is scheduled to take place during the week of September 19 to September 25:
• Completion of paving stones.
• Install landscape materials.
• Install traffic control signs.
• Install street lamps that were existing. The new street lamps over and above the existing lamps will be installed in about two weeks.
• Complete road base preparation.
• Install asphalt on Sunday, September 25.
The City encourages pedestrians to be cautious when walking on St. Laurent Avenue or driving across the affected intersections. Please pay attention to construction crews and obey all signs.
The City thanks the downtown business owners as well as members of the public for their patience as this much-needed investment is made in our infrastructure.

Important notes

  • St. Laurent will be closed to traffic for the duration of the project.
  • Traffic will be able to drive north-south on Reid, McLean and Kinchant during construction.
  • The City’s transit stop on St. Laurent Avenue at the Spirit Square has been moved to the east side of McLean Street.
  • Pedestrians have access to the businesses on St. Laurent throughout the project.
  • As with any major construction job the schedule is fluid and may change.

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