Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CRD Solid Waste Management Public Consultation Process

As most already know - the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) has started its' "Talking Trash" session to engage the public on the future Solid Waste Management Plan.  The CRD has a website on this here

If you are unable to make the meetings between now - October 20th, see the links below for the information that is being presented at these meetings:

Display Panels - click here
Powerpoint presentation - click here
Meeting Handout - click here

After reading the above - I highly recommend that you email your comments to talktrash@cariboord.bc.ca so the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee can take your comments into consideration as they formulate the new Solid Waste Management Plan and submit their recommendations to the CRD Board later on this year (likely in November or December 2011)

There is also an online survey that you can fill out here

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