Monday, September 12, 2011

City of Quesnel clarifies on its' Finances

From the City of Quesnel:

Following recent media reports, the City is issuing clarification regarding the finance department and how it handles issuing cheques.

The City's administration is ensuring the citizens of Quesnel that policies, practices and procedures are in place regarding the City's finances and that they are strictly adhered to. The City of Quesnel, like any other local government, has firm accounting rules. Cheques are not issued without appropriate receipts or back-up documentation. In order for a cheque to be issued, multiple people in administration, at varying levels of responsibility, must review the request, the receipts and the required paperwork. 

The City's finances are audited independently every year; these audits include assessing adherence to procedures as well as transaction spot checks. The results are reported to City Council on an annual basis.

The City of Quesnel is proud to employ professional and dedicated staff who do their best to ensure the interest of the taxpayer is in mind at all times.

Should any member of the public have questions, they can contact Quesnel City Hall at 250-992-2111.

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