Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Steve Forseth's Candidacy for WL City Council (2nd Run) (Updated)

In what should not be an unexcepted move on my part - today, I'm announcing my 2nd run for a seat on Williams Lake City Council.  I first ran for WL Council in 2005 and finishing 11th out of 14 candidates with 572 votes.  I also ran in 2008 in the Cariboo Regional District against former Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett and finished last in a 3 way race.  I have interviews set up with the Williams Lake Tribune, Cariboo Advisor and The Rush later today.  My interview with the Rush, I'm told, may play late in the afternoon and will play Wednesday am.  My interview with the Advisor may run Wednesday (if not - it'll be the following Wednesday) and my interview with the Tribune should run in this Thursday's paper

Also - see the video that Welcome to Williams Lake did announcing my 2nd run to WL City Council.  See that video here, with related information here

See my full press release here
Update - See a story on my announcement from The Rush here

Major Campaign Goals:

·         Williams Lake City Hall will be more customer service focused and have a more open and accountable City Council by implementing various measures that puts this in practice
·         Changing of the Council budget process to “line-by-line” analysis and consider implementing “zero-based budgeting” to ensure maximum value for the property tax dollar and more public inclusivenes
·         Develop a 10 year vision plan for Scout Island that has buy in from Williams Lake and Central Cariboo CRD residents’ and other stakeholders’
·         Resolve Cariboo Lodge site issue, once and for all, in the short term & look at possibility of use(s) for the former Poplar Glade Elementary site, both with School District #27 and the Province


·       Chair/Vice-Chair – City of Williams Lake Advisory Planning Commission since 2004 – end of August 2011

·         Chair of the City of Williams Lake then-Health Advisory Committee – 2003/2004

·         Chair of the CRD Area ‘D’ Advisory Planning Commission – 2009 to present

·         Member of the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee - present

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