Sunday, September 18, 2011

CRD Board Highlights - Sept 16th Meeting

From the Cariboo Regional District:

Two Capital Funding Projects for GR Baker Hospital

The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) adopted two Capital Expenditure Bylaws to provide Northern Health with 40 percent cost share funding for a diagnostic imaging – ultrasound machine and an anesthetics machine for GR Baker Hospital in Quesnel. The total project cost for the diagnostic imaging unit is estimated at $225,000 and the CCRHD is requested to contribute $90,000. The CCRHD will also contribute a total of $63,200 towards the purchase of the anesthetic machine. The total cost of this equipment is $158,000.

Community Works Funding for Lac La Hache OAPO

The Cariboo Regional District approved an application for up to $9,000 of Community Works Funding for the Old Age Pensioner Organization #176 in Lac La Hache for the installation of new windows at the Organization’s facility. Old Age Pensioner Organization #176 is a group dedicated to promoting the welfare of, and providing social activities for seniors in the Lac La Hache area. The new windows will have an R Value of 5, replacing the current windows which have an R Value of 2. It is expected that the new windows will result in annual savings in heating costs.

2012 Community Works Funding

The Board of Directors approved the CRD’s Community Works Fund program for 2012. Community Works funding is provided to local governments in support of environmentally sustainable infrastructure projects such as green energy, public transit, water and wastewater infrastructure. The allocation for each local government is determined by the province based on a per capita formula. In addition, it benefits communities by providing funding to increase the capacity of communities to undertake long-term planning.

Provincial Finance Budget Consultation

The Cariboo Regional District and its four member municipalities have been invited by the provincial government to participate in the upcoming provincial government budget consultation process. The local governments are collectively requesting the province to establish a program that will lead to the provision of stable and adequate long term funding for the upgrading, replacement, and creation of local government infrastructure.

Agricultural Land Commission

Richard Bullock, Chair, Agricultural Land Commission, and Gordon Gillette, Vice-Chair, Interior Region, appeared before the Board to provide an update on current and emerging issues with respect to the work of the ALC and to discuss matters of mutual interest.

National Forest Week in the Forest Capital of Canada

This year’s National Forest Week theme is Forests for People. To celebrate, the Forest Capital Committee will be hosting two events from September 18‐24, 2011. The Big Tree Hunt is open to Students from School District 27 and 28 who will be engaging in a little friendly competition to find the tallest and widest trees in their communities. The winning groups will each receive $250 towards a school or community project that benefits the environment. Winners will be announced on September 28, 2011. The second annual Storefront Business Challenge will be taking place among the businesses in Quesnel who will be decorating their storefronts to celebrate National Forest Week. One business will win a Forest Capital plaque.

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

The Regional District received the final Cariboo-Chilcotin Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. The intent of this project is to provide climate change adaptation strategies which can help to inform a future regional development strategy. This project was funded by Natural Resources Canada through the Regional Adaptation Collaborative program. The Fraser Basin Council took the lead for the Cariboo Regional District and hosted five workshops in order to gather local and regional input. Local sustainability groups, elected officials, First Nations and local and provincial government staff have had the opportunity to contribute. The full report will be available online at


September 21 – National Tree Day
September 18-24 – National Forest Week
October 17-23 - Waste Reduction Week
November 2 – Vitamin D Day
November 13-20 – Restorative Justice Week

Upcoming Meetings

September 26 – 30, 2011 – Union of BC Municipalities
Thursday, October 6 – CRD Board Meeting in Williams Lake, BC

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